Shelby County Dead

Hoo - Hov


Name Birth Date Death Date Cemetery - Remarks
Hood, John H.  09-27-1850   07-28-1913   Ramah - Husb. of Victoria Hood
Hood, Victoria  08-05-1853   11-06-1914   Ramah - Wife of John A. Hood
Hooker, Arlton H.  1909 1967 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Bertha M. Hooker
Hooker, B. G.  07/05/1891 11/25/1968 Tenaha-City
Hooker, Bertha M.  1906 1992 Oaklawn Memorial Park - w/o Arlton H. Hooker
Hooker, Charles Frank, Rev.  1894 1973 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Ruth A. Hooker
Hooker, Charles Wayne,Jr.   02-22-1966   08-03-1988   Timpson Missionary Baptist
Hooker, Dixie Ruth  12-31-1911   11-12-1985   Restland
Hooker, Dowell Bell  03/13/1893 06/17/1972 Tenaha-City
Hooker, Edwin Wall  08-09-1907 09-26-1979 Oaklawn Memorial Park
Hooker, Frances  02-11-1872 08-15-1971 Oaklawn Memorial Park
Hooker, Graham  1904   1953   Restland
Hooker, Hager  04-18-1890   09-05-1959   Timpson Missionary Baptist - Texas Wagoner, Sup. Co.,114 Inf.,WW I
Hooker, Dr. Joe B. 09-22-1927 02-20-2013 Oaklawn Memorial Park - Hus. of Marian Hooker
Hooker, John R.    1884   1964   East Hamilton
Hooker, Josephine (Lofaso)  06-13-1907 12-05-1995 Oaklawn Memorial Park
Hooker, Marie W.     03-18-1904   03-30-1991   Joaquin
Hooker, Marian Neal 08-18-1931 12-14-2022 Oaklawn Memorial Park - Wife of Dr. Joe B. Hooker
Hooker, Marvin  10-15-1909   03-20-1987   Restland
Hooker, Owen H 03-07-1898   02-11-1982   Joaquin - F3, U.S. Navy, WW I
Hooker, Ruth A.  1896 1965 Oaklawn Memorial Park - w/o Rev. Charles Frank Hooker
Hooker, Sallie  04-01-1902   03-09-1996   Timpson Missionary Baptist
Hooker, Shane 06-18-1966 03-01-2023 Rather
Hooks, Bernadine Pearl 01-21-1959 03-24-2003 Duncan
Hooks, Bernard  1912 1985 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Marjorie D. Hooks, SEA2 US NAVY 
Hooks, H. Cleve   04-10-1938   11-27-1998   Duncan-
Hooks, Marjorie D.  01-10-1920 12-16-2014 Oaklawn Memorial Park - w/o Bernard Hooks
Hooks, Vernell W.    10-12-1938   -   Duncan -
Hooper,  Infant   03-23-1903   03-23-1903   Joaquin - Dau. of Tom & Lou Hooper
Hooper, A. N.  06/27/1855 05/07/1895 Hooper-May - Husb of Josephine May Hooper
Hooper, A. V.   01-29-1916   09-01-1997   Smyrna-Timpson - Hus. of Geneva Hooper, m. 04-07-1945
Hooper, Adell M. 04-07-1921   01-26-1996   Brookland
Hooper, Adrian  08/12/1850 02/02/1917 Wimberly-Rayburn
Hooper, Albert L.  04-08-1877   05-17-1947   Smyrna-Timpson - Hus. of Dora Hooper, m. 10-19-1893
Hooper, Alford 03-08-1890 08-10-1974 Smyrna-Timpson - Hus. of Matilda Hooper
Hooper, Alice G.  08-08-1949   05-22-1951   White Rock
Hooper, Alice W.  01/19/1882 12/18/1912 Hooper - School Teacher
Hooper, Allene  09-30-1928 11-29-1931 Ramah
Hooper, Allie Mae  1909   1928   Smyrna-Timpson
Hooper, Allie R.     1858   1931   Joaquin
Hooper, Alma  03-23-1892   11-23-1912   Joaquin - Dau. of W.C. & Alice Hooper
Hooper, Ammie  10-06-1884   04-08-1985   Smyrna-Timpson
Hooper, Ann Crain  11-16-1938   -   White Rock
Hooper, Anna  04-15-1879   04-27-1935   Smyrna-Timpson
Hooper, Anna Patricia Bailey 02-25-1947 02-08-2020 Woodlawn - Wife of Thomas M. Hooper
Hooper, Annie  02-01-1910   04-14-1922   Smyrna-Timpson - Dau. of Dan and Lovie Hooper
Hooper, Annie Lout  1889 1916 Wimberly-Rayburn
Hooper, Annie Pearl Caraway 10-25-1952 07-08-2024 Smyrna-Timpson - Dau. of Walter & Annie Lois Caraway
Hooper, Argia W.  10-13-1914   06-15-1995   Pleasant Grove
Hooper, Arnold 03-09-1911 06-18-2010 Wimberly - Hus. of Annie Sue Hooper
Hooper, Arthur F.  06-13-1889 06-30-1977 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Bertha G. Hooper 
Hooper, Aubrey Calvin, Sr. 01-08-1947 06-21-2012 Smyrna-Timpson - Hus. of Joann Hooper, Son of A. V. & Geneva Hooper
Hooper, Aubrey "Gene" 04-10-1962 03-21-2024 Cremation - Hus. of Pamela Hooper
Hooper, Baby 1936 1936 Ashton - Dau of Monroe & Sarah Hooper
Hooper, Baby  1909 1909 Wimberly-Rayburn
Hooper, Baby  1916 1916 Wimberly-Rayburn
Hooper, Baby  1918 1918 Wimberly-Rayburn
Hooper, Baby  11-09-1936   11-09-1936   White Rock
Hooper, Barbara Ann Beheler  06-30-1938   07-09-1994   Woodlawn
Hooper, Baston  01-12-1905   10-28-1946   Smyrna-Timpson
Hooper, Belles  03-12-1881   01-21-1890   Pleasant Grove - Dau. of G.W. & N.J. Hooper
Hooper, Bennie 10-24-1930 09-26-2010 Strong - Hus. of Billie Hooper
Hooper, Bennie Lee  05-26-1910   12-28-1972   Smyrna-Timpson - Wife of Oliver V. Hooper, m. 11-29-1928
Hooper, Bertha G.  03-09-1888 10-25-1978 Oaklawn Memorial Park - w/o Arthur F. Hooper 
Hooper, Bertha Parrish  06-02-1907   08-20-1999   Ramah
Hooper, Bertie P.     06-02-1907   ?   Joaquin
Hooper, Billie Joyce Wagstaff 02-21-1933 01-08-2015 Strong - Wife of Bennie Hooper
Hooper, Billy Wayne  11-29-1932   09-16-1996   White Rock
Hooper, Calhoun  10/13/1887 06/19/1899 Hooper - Son of Mr & Mrs. S. H. Hooper
Hooper, Carrie Wade  07-11-1889   09-25-1971   Smyrna-Timpson - Wife of Lawson LaSalle Hooper
Hooper, Carroll Sue    09-26-1943   09-26-1943   Joaquin
Hooper, Carter G.  01-08-1906   02-24-1997   White Rock
Hooper, Catherine  09-06-1862   06-09-1932   Ramah
Hooper, Cecil  1908   1926   New Hope
Hooper, Charles C.  1868   1953   White Rock
Hooper, Charles Leon  10/23/1922 19.20.1987 Wimberly-Rayburn - Son of John Hooper-CPL.US Army 124th Cal, WWII.
Hooper, Clara  03-25-1909   01-23-1946   Jackson
Hooper, Claude F., Sr.   08-18-1893   09-01-1983   Woodlawn
Hooper, Clio  03-19-1903   10-29-1988   Pleasant Grove
Hooper, Clyde, Sr.   02-12-1903   09-30-1987   Smyrna-Timpson - Hus. of Lula Mae Hooper, m. 04-26-1926
Hooper, Clyde, Jr. 05-11-1932 08-11-2015 Smyrna-Timpson - Son of Clyde, Sr. & Lula Hooper
Hooper, Cole 01-08-1964 10-22-2014 White Rock
Hooper, Comadora P.  10-24-1857   06-23-1931   Joaquin
Hooper, Cora Mae  11-02-1919 07-09-2001 Pine Ridge
Hooper, Curtis Ray 1955?? 12-01-2022 Cremation
Hooper, Dameon Dewayne 11-27-1981 06-28-2020 White Rock
Hooper, Dan  04-16-1877   01-02-1926   Smyrna-Timpson - Hus. of Lovie Hooper
Hooper, David 01-20-1963 11-25-2019 Old Salem
Hooper, Deborah  05-09-1956   05-09-1956   White Rock
Hooper, Delsie Pauline  07-23-1934   10-27-1945   White Rock
Hooper, Dessie Youngblood  07/13/1884 07/02/1914 Wimberly-Rayburn
Hooper, Dollie  1895   1983   Ramah
Hooper, Don  1899   1978   Ramah
Hooper, Don 12-15-1937 01-19-2018 Sardis - Hus. of Reba Gloria LeFevre Hooper
Hooper, Dora  11-18-1875   06-13-1900   Smyrna-Timpson - Wife of Albert Hooper
Hooper, Dorothy  11-09-1923   -   New Prospect
Hooper, Dorothy O. 10-17-1932 10-09-2023 Sholar
Hooper, Dovard 1880 09-19-1880 Smyrna-Timpson
Hooper, Dub Anderson  09-17-1911   09-03-1990   Woodlawn - Hus. of Opal Edith Hooper, Married--11-13-1936
Hooper, Dwight B.  09-15-1965   06-30-2000   Smyrna-Timpson
Hooper, E. D. 03-17-1932 03-22-2000 Smyrna-Timpson - Son of Oliver & Bennie Lee Hooper
Hooper, Eddie Pate 09-07-1903   05-30-1981   Ramah
Hooper, Edith C.  09-21-1876   12-17-1935   Joaquin - Wife of W. P. Hooper
Hooper, Edna Sayer  05-25-1904   09-12-1969   Woodlawn
Hooper, Edward S.  08-09-1881   06-28-1945   White Rock
Hooper, Edwin C.    08-06-1910   05-15-1912   Woodlawn - Buried in Pleasant Grove Cemetery
Hooper, Edwin Leon  05-08-1904   05-03-1984   Woodlawn
Hooper, Eliza Jane  1833   1920   Woodlawn - Wife of R. Bouland Hooper
Hooper, Elizabeth Ann 10-12-1933 05-09-2014 Woodlawn
Hooper, Elizabeth King 12-18-1906   11-04-1994   Antioch Timpson
Hooper, Elizabeth King   12-18-1906   11-04-1994   Antioch Timpson
Hooper, Ellie H.  07-04-1879  09-18-1955  Old Home
Hooper, Ellie Hancock  1881   1906   Old Home
Hooper, Emma 10/28/1889 09/28/1901 Hooper-May
Hooper, Emma Lois  10-22-1905   10-25-1975   Woodlawn
Hooper, Ernestine  05-06-1908   09-24-2005 Woodlawn
Hooper, Ethel B.  07-10-1899   11-10-1986   Smyrna-Timpson - Wife of M. T. Hooper
Hooper, Faye 11-01-1936 04-15-2023 White Rock - Wife of Paul Hooper
Hooper, Floyd Ray  03-07-1940   06-06-1940   Joaquin
Hooper, Forest    1904   1975   Jackson
Hooper, Francis Marion, Sr. ca 1841 09/13/1885 Hooper-May - Unmarked Grave -Husb of Mary Jane May Hooper- son of John Jefferson & Allazariah Hooper. 
Hooper, Frank     09-11-1886   03-03-1959   Joaquin
Hooper, Gene W.  06-04-1927   03-10-1993   Woodlawn - Hus. of Louise B. Hooper
Hooper, Geneva  03-29-1923   12-28-1994   Smyrna-Timpson - Wife of A. V. Hooper
Hooper, George Dewey  01-29-1899   01-02-1913   Joaquin - Son of C.P. & Mary Hooper
Hooper, George N.  09-13-1908 06-26-2005 White Rock
Hooper, George Kennith 04-18-1949 11-03-2014 White Rock - Hus. of Evelyn Hooper
Hooper, George W.  12-07-1852   07-25-1935   Pleasant Grove
Hooper, Gerald Don 11-28-1937 05-09-2007 Jackson
Hooper, Geraldine F.  10-30-1902   10-31-1997   Woodlawn
Hooper, Gid  09-12-1873   06-25-1953   Smyrna-Timpson
Hooper, Gladys Beckham  01-27-1910   11-15-1997   Woodlawn
Hooper, Grace  1901   1995   Woodlawn
Hooper; Hannah Flakes 04-15-1869 04-27-1935 Smyrna-Timpson - Wife of Ike Hooper
Hooper, Hattie  09-20-1906   07-06-1972   Smyrna-Timpson
Hooper, Hilton  04-20-1919   09-08-1968   New Prospect - Texas CPL Infantry, WW II
Hooper, Hosia  08-15-1910   01-26-1999   Smyrna-Timpson
Hooper, Hoyston  05-12-1910   09-23-1994   Pleasant Grove
Hooper, Hubert Wilson 08-24-1918   09-11-1920   Joaquin
Hooper, Ida Hutto  01-30-1892   12-21-1972   Ramah
Hooper, Ike  02-07-1870   01-30-1949   Smyrna-Timpson - Hus. of Hannah Flake Hooper, m. 9/15/1898
Hooper, Ila Mae  04-05-1887   10-20-1954   Smyrna-Timpson
Hooper, Ilah Mae  05-12-1901   08-22-1985   Ramah
Hooper, Infant  11/17/1912 11/17/1912 Wimberly-Rayburn - Son of J.J.& Dessie Hooper
Hooper, Infant  - 08/28/1895 Hooper - Son of Mr & Mrs. S. H. Hooper
Hooper, Infant 12-11-1906   12-11-1906   Joaquin - Son of Tom & Lou Hooper
Hooper, J. D.  01-03-1904   10-15-1964   Smyrna-Timpson - Son of Dan & Lovie Hooper
Hooper, J. F. (Fred)  11-04-1888   12-31-1938   Pleasant Grove
Hooper, James J.  01/04/1878 11/13/1879 Hooper-May - Son of A. N. & Josephine Hooper
Hooper, James Lincoln  01-21-1944   07-04-1982   Smyrna-Timpson - Son of Paul & Lillie Dell Hooper
Hooper, James M.  12-15-1818   07-07-1893   Pleasant Grove
Hooper, James M.  12/31/1848 08/31/1901 Wimberly-Rayburn
Hooper, James Marvin     04-01-1906   01-05-1996   Jackson - Marr. 04-12-1930, Pvt, U.S. Marine Corp., WW I
Hooper, James Monroe   12/15/1818 06/07/1893 Wimberly-Rayburn - From Shelby County Civil War, has him listed at this cemetery. But he is buried at Pleasant Grove Cemtery.
Hooper, Jeff  1887   1975   Sholar - Hus. of May Hooper
Hooper, Jerry A. 08-20-1974   10-17-1974   Antioch Timpson
Hooper, Jerry A. 08-20-1974   10-17-1974   Antioch Timpson
Hooper, Jesse  1889   1967   Ramah
Hooper, Jessie Syble Duke     1919   -   Jackson
Hooper, Jimmy 06-09-1955 06-27-2020 White Rock
Hooper, Jimmy Milton  01-06-1945   04-02-1971   Smyrna-Timpson - Son of Paul & Lillie Dell Hooper
Hooper, JoAnn Armstrong 10-06-1956   Smyrna-Timpson - Wife of Aubrey Calvin Hooper
Hooper, Joe  06-19-1886   06-11-1950   Smyrna-Timpson
Hooper, John  1857   1915   Smyrna-Timpson
Hooper, John B.  03-05-1893   08-21-1976   Woodlawn
Hooper, John Ewing  01-04-1860   03-12-1937   Woodlawn
Hooper, John J.  11/06/1882 11/07/1947 Wimberly-Rayburn - Husb of Dessie Hooper & Nora Hooper
Hooper, John Preston   10-05-1882   11-21-1950   Sholar - Hus. of Mary Elizabeth Hooper
Hooper, Johnie E.    08-22-1895 06-11-1943   Smyrna-Timpson - Texas Pvt., 435 Labor BN
Hooper, Jon Ben  07-25-1935   12-29-1995   Woodlawn - SSgt., U.S. Air Force, Korea
Hooper, Joseph A., Sr.   09-02-1899   02-26-1959   Woodlawn - Texas Pvt., 354 Base HQ & AB, SQ, AAF, WW II
Hooper, Josephine May  05/15/1860 08/12/1901 Hooper-May - Wife of A. N. Hooper
Hooper, Joye Riley     12-21-1902   06-15-1922   Joaquin
Hooper, L. D.  03-17-1932   03-22-2000   Smyrna-Timpson
Hooper, L. L. Wilson    11-10-1859   11-23-1892   Corinth - Wife of Dr. A.M. Hooper

Hooper, Larry Labronze

10-29-1957 06-19-2019 Smyrna-Timpson - Hus. of Rose Hooper, Son of Ora B. Hooper & Selma Crockett
Hooper, Lasharrca  08-30-1972   12-06-1997   Mt. Gillion
Hooper, Lawson LaSalle 10-10-1887   04-09-1961   Smyrna-Timpson - Hus. of Carrie Wade Hooper
Hooper, Leaner R.  07-12-1899   06-07-1989   Smyrna-Timpson
Hooper, Lee Dell  11-24-1924   07-13-1967   Smyrna-Timpson - Texas Pvt., 453 Port Co. TC, WW II
Hooper, Lela Bryan  01-14-1869   05-12-1959   Woodlawn
Hooper, Lena H.  04-15-1875   03-02-1970   Smyrna-Timpson - Wife of Perry Hooper
Hooper, Leo  03-23-1888   07-07-1963   Smyrna-Timpson
Hooper, Leona E.  1885   1941   Mt. Gillion
Hooper, Lillie Dell  08-12-1914   07-06-1999 Smyrna-Timpson - Wife of Paul Hooper
Hooper, Little Hellen  11-15-1897   08-09-1899   Woodlawn - Dau. of O.O. & S.A. Hooper
Hooper, Lizzie Booth  09-11-1863   02-17-1914   Woodlawn - Wife of Z.W. Hooper
Hooper, Lola Bell 07-05-1908 12-04-2002 Smyrna-Timpson - Dau of Dan & Lovie Hooper
Hooper, Lottie M.    10-23-1889   05-16-1988   Pleasant Grove
Hooper, Lou Connell     03-27-1885   02-16-1955   Joaquin
Hooper, Louise B.  05-20-1926   08-18-2012 Woodlawn - Wife of Gene W. Hooper
Hooper, Lovard  09-19-1880   12-14-1966   Smyrna-Timpson - Wife of Dan Hooper
Hooper, Lovie E.  09-10-1882   11-01-1973   Smyrna-Timpson
Hooper, Lula Mae  05-16-1910   12-01-2002 Smyrna-Timpson - Wife of Clyde Hooper, Sr., m. 04-26-1926
Hooper, M. T.  06-06-1896   07-31-1985   Smyrna-Timpson - Hus. of Ethel B. Hooper, Son of Ike Hooper
Hooper, Maggie Sholar  05-29-1886   07-19-1971   Joaquin
Hooper, Mark  09-17-1895   06-05-1964   Smyrna-Timpson - Texas Pfc., Co. G., 815 Pioneer Inf., WW I, Hus. of Ozella Hooper
Hooper, Marlin M.  1927   1983   Sholar - SSgt., U.S. Air Force, Korea, Vietnam
Hooper, Marshall  02/08/1912 03/15/1997 Wimberly-Rayburn - Pfc. US Army Air Corp WWII
Hooper, Marshall E.  01-14-1906   05-27-1963   Woodlawn
Hooper, Martha  10-20-1892 08-21-1922 Smyrna-Timpson - Wife of Paul Hooper
Hooper, Mary  05-31-1870   05-23-1917   Smyrna-Timpson
Hooper, Mary Ann J.    12-02-1913   02-17-2011 Jackson - Married 04-12-1930, Wife of Marvin Hooper
Hooper, Mary E. Sanders   05-20-1870 10-08-1899 Old Home
Hooper, Mary Elizabeth  02-26-1892   12-22-1965   Sholar - Wife of John Preston Hooper
Hooper, Mary M.    04-23-1859   02-07-1929   Joaquin
Hooper, Matilda  09-22-1897   05-01-1980   Smyrna-Timpson - Wife of Alford Hooper
Hooper, May  1899   1980   Sholar - Wife of Jeff Hooper
Hooper, Melvin 06-19-1917 08-21-1956 Smyrna-Timpson - U. S. Army, WW II
Hooper, Melvin Legunn 09-18-1927 12-06-1950 Smyrna-Timpson - WW II, Son of Lawson & Carrie Hooper
Hooper, Mertie Francis  07-31-1896   12-30-1977   White Rock
Hooper, Millard F.  05-01-1909   06-27-1991   Smyrna-Timpson - Hus. of Vinnie Hooper
Hooper, Millie  1868   1928   Smyrna-Timpson
Hooper, Mirtie D.  1876   1962   White Rock
Hooper, Missouri Alice  12-14-1906   01-17-1908   Joaquin
Hooper, Nancy J.  01-31-1857   03-30-1952   Pleasant Grove
Hooper, Naomia Grace  07-07-1923   11-09-1923   Joaquin
Hooper, Nella Faye 03-15-1935 03-13-2021 Smyrna-Timpson - Wau of Oliver & Bennie Lee Hooper
Hooper, Nettie  10-08-1893   12-31-1979   Joaquin
Hooper, Nora Russell  03/17/1890 07/14/1960 Wimberly-Rayburn - 2nd Wife of John J. Hooper
Hooper, O. O.  09-22-1871   05-22-1958   Woodlawn
Hooper, O.L.  08/07/1928 03/18/2004 Wimberly-Rayburn
Hooper, Obby R.  12-01-1826   04-30-1897   Woodlawn
Hooper, O'dell Virgie     01-04-1909   06-27-1939   Jackson
Hooper, Olga  09-11-1897   09-24-1898   Woodlawn - Buried in Pleasant Grove Cemetery
Hooper, Oliver V.  04-15-1905   11-25-1989   Smyrna-Timpson - Hus. of Bennie Lee Hooper, m. 11-29-1927
Hooper, Oma Lee  11-28-1889   07-03-1931   Woodlawn - Texas Gunnery Sgt., U.S. Marine Corps
Hooper, Opal Edith  08-02-1913   11-23-2006   Woodlawn - Wife of Dub Anderson Hooper, Married--11-13-1936
Hooper, Ora 07-08-1910 04-03-1913 Smyrna-Timpson - Dau. of I.P. & Hannah Hooper
Hooper, Ora B. Grace 01-22-1939 06-01-1965 Smyrna-Timpson - Dau of RB & Cora G. Grace
Hooper, Otis James  10/26/1942 04/14/1995 New Hope-Timpson
Hooper, Ovada  1905   1924   New Hope
Hooper, Ozella  07-02-1894   12-16-1969   Smyrna-Timpson - Wife of Mark Hooper
Hooper, Parelous Lafayette  08-09-1867   03-19-1956   Woodlawn - Hus. of Ritta C. Hughes Hooper
Hooper, Paul  02/02/1913 08/02/1913 Wimberly-Rayburn - Son of John & Dessie Hooper
Hooper, Paul, Sr. 12-15-1900 02-14-1997 Smyrna-Timpson - Hus. of Lillie Dell Hooper, m. 11-20-1934
Hooper, Pearline  01-03-1916   01-23-1978   White Rock
Hooper, Perry R.  04-05-1873   11-09-1952   Smyrna-Timpson - Hus. of Lena Hoooper, Bro. of Dan Hooper
Hooper, Pluma M. Adams  07-30-1903   04-12-1983   Woodlawn
Hooper, R. D.  02-04-1890  03-17-1904  Old Home
Hooper, R. E. "Dugan"  05-07-1920  10-07-2001 Old Home
Hooper, R. H.     11-22-1884   05-04-1937   Joaquin
Hooper, R. L. "Lit"  01-03-1887   12-08-1962   Ramah
Hooper, Raymond C.  06-22-1917   08-30-1979   Jackson - T.Sgt., U.S. Air Force, WW II
Hooper, Raymond D.  06-17-1955   07-14-1975   White Rock
Hooper, Reba Gloria LeFevre 08-24-1938 06-21-2008 Sardis - Wife of Don Hooper
Hooper, Richard Earl  09-22-1938   10-01-1938   Joaquin
Hooper, Ritta C. Hughes  10-01-1866   04-27-1967   Woodlawn - Wife of Parelous Lafayette Hooper
Hooper, Robert "Lit"  1887 1919 Wimberly-Rayburn
Hooper, Robert Bernard  08-13-1896   06-21-1949   Woodlawn - Texas 1st Sgt., 143 Inf., 36 Div, WW I
Hooper, Robert James (RJ) 05-31-1924 04-15-2005 Smyrna-Timpson - Son of Paul & Alneida Hooper
Hooper, Robert Lenwood  03-21-1921   04-24-1932   Ramah
Hooper, Robert. B.  08-11-1829 08-19-1912 Woodlawn - Co. E, 3 Tex. Cav., C.S.A.
Hooper, Robin L., Jr.   08-01-1926   10-22-1953   Woodlawn
Hooper, Robin Lee  08-15-1901   05-18-1976   Woodlawn
Hooper, Rosie Lee Solomon 11-26-1929 07-12-1964 Smyrna-Timpson - Dau. of Sam & Lucile Solomon, Hus. of Saul Hooper
Hooper, Ruth Pickard  09-30-1916  02-27-1997  Old Home
Hooper, S. S. 01-31-1873   12-14-1901   Bradley Springs
Hooper, Sam H.  12-09-1857   12-29-1953   Ramah
Hooper, Sam, Sr. 09-01-1922 03-07-2010 Ramah - Hus. of Mary Beth Ferguson Hooper
Hooper, Sarah Ann  02-22-1876   03-19-1953   Woodlawn - Wife of O.O. Hooper
Hooper, Shamfrea  12-10-1974   04-25-1996   Mt. Gillion
Hooper, Ssble Hinton  07-16-1919 08-09-2005 Jackson
Hooper, Sterman  08-09-1900   10-25-1975   Pleasant Grove
Hooper, Sue Ramsey 09-16-1919 04-04-2012 Wimberly - Wife of Arnold Hooper
Hooper, Syble Deloise    01-08-1927   04-18-1934   Jackson
Hooper, Sylvia E.  10-10-1939   -   Woodlawn
Hooper, T. Wood  06/26/1924 01/16/1988 Wimberly-Rayburn - Son of John Hooper-Cpl.US Army WWII
Hooper, Texanna  -   -   Old Salem - Wife of Napoleon Hooper
Hooper, Thelma E.  09-14-1920   02-06-2021 Sholar - Wife of Travis Hooper
Hooper, Thomas McDavid, Sr. 10-09-1934 03-05-2008 Woodlawn - Husb of Patricia Bailey Hooper
Hooper, Thomas Z.  04-03-1901   09-18-1972   Joaquin
Hooper, Timmy L.  02-16-1971   05-19-1982   Mt. Gillion
Hooper, Tom E. ?   ?   Joaquin In Rememberance, Allene--Bill
Hooper, Travis O'Daniel 10-17-2013 09-27-2013 White Rock
Hooper, Travis Preston  12-28-1911   07-13-1988   Sholar
Hooper, Una C.  10-05-1831   02-08-1911   Woodlawn - Wife of O.R. Hooper
Hooper, Unice Caroline  ca 1858 02-??-1931 Joaquin - From Shelby County Civil War
Hooper, Vaster "Dollie"  01-05-1911   02-21-1999   White Rock
Hooper, Vella Mae  08-31-1911   05-18-1989   Woodlawn
Hooper, Verlon Ray 01-05-1934 06-04-2019 Old Salem - Hus. of Thelma Hooper
Hooper, Vernice L.  02-15-1909   05-11-1991   White Rock
Hooper, Vinnie C.  02-14-1906   08-17-1978   Smyrna-Timpson - Wife of Millard F. Hooper
Hooper, Violet  11-30-1847   07-18-1918   Smyrna-Timpson
Hooper, Vivian  06-10-1901   12-29-1985   Woodlawn
Hooper, W. Elton 05-12-1904   09-11-1912   Joaquin
Hooper, W. M.  02-07-1878   02-18-1937   Smyrna-Timpson
Hooper, William C. 01-19-1917   _   Brookland
Hooper, William C.     1860   1935   Joaquin
Hooper, William L. "Fate"  12-04-1881  05-05-1947  Old Home
Hooper, William T.  12-05-1881   11-25-1961   Joaquin
Hooper, Willie B.  09-08-1902   12-03-1954   Smyrna-Timpson
Hooper, Willie E.  11-14-1910   05-18-1976   White Rock
Hooper, Willie F.  01/01/1885 01/15/1905 Hooper-May
Hooper, Willie Mae  1903   1988   Ramah
Hooper, Willie Mae 09-18-1909 08-19-1929 Smyrna-Timpson
Hooper, Zack William  10-09-1860   01-19-1954   Woodlawn
Hoopwe, Jody  07-19-1975 10-22-2004 Strong
Hooter, Thelma 02-27-1941 10-16-2014 Cremated
Hoover, Ethel   08-02-1902   09-22-1991   Dixon - Married--03-31-1931
Hoover, Frances O. 01-14-1936 05-18-2021 Cremation - Wife
Hoover, Robert Howard 12-20-1934 07-24-2010 Dixon - Hus. of Sue Hooper
Hoover, Vadis  01-01-1902   03-03-1982   Dixon - Married--03-31-1931
Hoover, Wanda Sue 1935   1997   Dixon
Hopkins, B. J.  09-15-1904   12-18-1952   Westview - North Carolina Pvt, Co B., 408 Engr. Water Sub, WW II
Hopkins, E. H.  08-27-1904   01-13-1973   White Rock
Hopkins, Edna  07-22-1914   09-06-1977   White Rock
Hopkins, Edward Lee  06-29-1928   06-29-1928   White Rock - Inf. son of Mr. & Mrs. J.O. Hopkins
Hopkins, Ella Mae  03-01-1894   07-01-1973   Pleasant Grove
Hopkins, Emma Lea  01-16-1889   03-24-1986   White Rock
Hopkins, Euel Loel  12-27-1898 12-30-1980 Mt. Herman - Husb of Viola Cornelia Hopkins
Hopkins, Eurah Dean  11-29-1903   10-16-1996   White Rock
Hopkins, Frank W.  10-24-1916   04-20-1980   Westview
Hopkins, George I.  07-15-1897   06-28-1960   White Rock
Hopkins, James Clyde  1902 1962 Smith-James 
Hopkins, James Clyde  04-27-1902   02-24-1962   White Rock
Hopkins, James Granvel 04-06-1927 12-29-2006 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o of Maudine Hughes Hopkins
Hopkins, John O.  01-14-1880   03-06-1959   White Rock
Hopkins, Lemon  -   -   Liberty/Ashton Hill
Hopkins, Maudine Hughes 02-05-1928 09-18-2006 Oaklawn Memorial Park - w/o James Granvel Hopkins
Hopkins, Mennie  -   -   Westview
Hopkins, Neva Cornelia  08-06-1905   02-06-1989   White Rock
Hopkins, Ora  -   -   Westview
Hopkins, Rachael Gabrielle 02-05-1975 03-19-2021 Oaklawn Memorial Park - Dau. of Roger Guyton Hopkins
Hopkins, Reba  01-30-1943   01-30-1943   White Rock
Hopkins, Roger Guyton "Guy" 06-15-1947 03-11-2015 Oaklawn Memorial Park - Hus. of Linda Thompson Hopkins
Hopkins, Ruby Lois  08-13-1906   05-01-1960   White Rock
Hopkins, Ruth  1925   1925   White Rock
Hopkins, Stephen Scott 02-19-1967 02-17-2025 Cremation
Hopkins, Viola Cornelia  11-07-1902 05-31-1990 Mt. Herman - Wife of Euel Hopkins
Hopkins, William Jeff  09-16-1899   05-07-1948   White Rock
Hopkins, William S.  02-17-1926   11-26-1945 White Rock
Hopkins, William Wayne 02-20-1933 04-05-2016 White Rock - Hus. of Wanda Hopkins
Hopping, Matthew Tyer  -   08-15-1990   New Prospect
Hopson, Lessie M.  01-10-1912   05-19-1976   Westview
Horn, Billy Joe     11-01-1931   10-16-1943   Joaquin
Horn, Callie Wilson   07-10-1880   06-26-1967   Lone Cedar
Horn, Chester  06-07-1920   06-29-1968   Sholar - Hus. of Geneva L. Horn, Texas Pfc., Anti-Tank Co., 359 Inf., WW II, BSM
Horn, David Dean  12-21-1899   01-19-1978   Jackson - Mason, Marr. 08-12-1948 - Husb of Katie Busbee Horn
Horn, Geneva L.  08-07-1930   06-07-1910   Sholar - Wife of Chester Horn
Horn, Hazel L.  03-07-1924   11-26-1978   Sholar
Horne, Jason  08-27-1976 12-03-1999 Neuville
Horn, John L. "Fate"  10-25-1880   01-02-1974   Fairview
Horn, Juanita Marie 06-18-1934   01-27-1937   Brookland -Dau. of Nolan & Marie Horn
Horn, Katie Busbee  09-08-1903   01-23-1996   Jackson - Eastern Star, Marr. 08-12-1948 - Wife of David Dean Horn
Horn, Lillie H. Brown  10-25-1879   07-21-1961   Jackson
Horn, Marie B. 12-21-1911   _   Brookland
Horn, Nolan 09-17-1900   11-09-1979   Brookland
Horn, Parker E.  08-08-1927   07-08-1983   Sholar
Horn, Ransom H.  02-22-1823   07-03-1904   Shelbyville
Horn, Sarah E.  08-21-1825   09-28-1903   Shelbyville
Hornback, Christopher ??? 02-29-2016? Carroll
Hornback, Mary D. Pitts 09-01-1949 12-21-2021 Carroll - Wife of James Hornback
Horne, Anna Goodwyn 10-24-1949 05-01-2014 Neuville - Wife of Dale Horne
Horne, Dale P. 04-29-1945 10-11-2018 Neuville - Hus. of Anna Goodwyn Horne
Horne, Emmett K.  05-06-1904   03-26-1978 Neuville
Horne, Elizabeth  03-29-1847   05-20-1909   Short - Wife of P. A. Horne
Horne, Nina V.  1872   1942   Short
Horne, Pruit A.  04-??-1844 01/22/1922 Short - Co. B., 3 Ga. Cav., CSA
Horton, Albert Lynn 03/11/1959 11/30/1979 Cedar Yard
Horton, Alice Margaret  07-16-1914   08-28-2005   Tennessee - Wife of Emmett Ray Horton
Horton, Allie  11-17-1885   12-29-1967   Tennessee - Wife of Harvey Horton
Horton, Annie Mae  05-29-1893   05-30-1980   Thompson-Black
Horton, Arthur Franklin  01-08-1917 08-05-2000 Woodlawn - Husb of Irene Bailey Horton
Horton, Bertha  05-21-1900   10-01-1900   Tennessee
Horton, Bettye J.  07-21-1931   10-19-1997   Tennessee
Horton, Bobbi Lois Wright 10-26-1935 01-10-2007 Tennessee - Wife of William Horton
Horton, Brandon Quartez
11-08-1988 05-06-2023 Mt. Gillion
Horton, Carrie Shepherd 06-11-1935 06-29-2021 Mt. Gillion - Wife of Milton Horton
Horton, Charles C.  06-20-1922 06-18-1998 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Gloria Beckham Horton, S.Sgt., U.S. Army Air Forces, WW II
Horton, Cora 04-15-1930 12-18-2002 Mt. Gillian
Horton, Dachie  1885   1957   Tennessee
Horton, Darren L.  02-07-1966   07-15-1994   Mt. Gillion
Horton, Dorothy Mae 10-13-1966 09-11-2022 Cremation
Horton, Dovie Ann  02-01-1906   10-14-1977   Tennessee - Wife of Foris Calvin Horton
Horton, Edith  1919   1951   Tennessee
Horton, Elbert  09-22-1918   03-22-1988   Mt. Gillion
Horton, Elenor Joseph 10-31-1954 01-01-2019 Mt. Gillion
Horton, Ellie  1892   1977   Tennessee
Horton, Elnorris  12-12-1927   09-30-1992   Mt. Gillion - Pfc., U.S. Army, Korea
Horton, Emmett Ray     08-26-1915   05-27-1991   Tennessee - Hus. of Alice Margaret Horton
Horton, Essie Mae 12-15-1956 08-01-2000 Mt. Gillian
Horton, Foris Calvin  10-01-1903   03-21-1992   Tennessee - Hus. of Dovie Ann Horton
Horton, Georgie S.  10-12-1885   03-24-1948   Tennessee
Horton, Gilbert  1883   1957   Thompson-Black
Horton, Gladys Bagwell 11-10-1910   12-26-2007 Ramah - Married--05-27-1934
Horton, Gloria Beckham  04-07-1927 - Oaklawn Memorial Park - w/o Charles C. Horton
Horton, Harvey  10-08-1880   03-23-1967   Tennessee
Horton, Hatcher B. 1922 09-01-2014 Mt. Gillion
Horton, Henry  03-20-1856   03-16-1935   Tennessee
Horton, Ima     06-11-1905   08-24-1906   Tennessee - Dau. of C.H. & Allie Horton
Horton, Infant  04-01-1922   04-01-1922   Sandhill - Dau of Mr. & Mrs. G. H. Horton
Horton, Irene Bailey  1920   2007 Woodlawn - Wife of Arthur Franklin Horton
Horton, James "Bob" 12-03-1926 08-26-2019 Tennessee - Hus. of Bettye Jo (Jarrett) Horton & Nell (Bradley) Horton
Horton, Josie Harris 02-07-1931 06-02-2021 Mt. Gillion
Horton, Karen 1974 2020 Mt Gillian
Horton, Kelly Ann  04-13-1929 07-31-2005 Tennessee - Wife of James Horton
Horton, L. B. 11-16-1945 07-21-2008 Westview - Hus. of Joyce Daniels Horton
Horton, L. E. 11-10-1965 11-30-2024 Mt. Gillion
Horton, Lane Bernard, Sr. 02-01-1921 02-09-2015 Mt. Gillion
Horton, Lanetria Gail Wyatt  12-24-1959 11-03-2003 Mt. Gillion
Horton, Larry Lee 01-31-1954 07-02-2019 Mt. Gillion - Hus. of Carla Berry Horton
Horton, Lawrence G.  03-24-1959   08-22-1987   Mt. Gillion
Horton, Leroy  10-13-1939   02-08-1996   Smyrna-Timpson - U.S. Army
Horton, Lillie V. Pilot  1927   1998   Thompson-Black
Horton, Lucy    1890   1941   Wilkerson
Horton, Lurie Lee  01-17-1905   02-08-1991   Tennessee - Wife of Rudolph L. Horton
Horton, Luther  09-02-1927   04-03-1997   Thompson-Black - Pfc., U.S. Army, WW II
Horton, Major 08-27-1941 07-12-2012 Mt. Gillian
Horton, Major LaMark 11-17-1967   12-05-1997   Mt. Gillion
Horton, Milton 1926 11-07-2018 Mt. Gillion
Horton, Mollie  12-31-1861   11-09-1959   Tennessee
Horton, Na Tayia Charnae 08-10-1987 02-20-2010 Thompson-Black
Horton, Nelsen "Nunsey" 06-25-1945 05-12-2010 Smyrna-Timpson - U. S. Army
Horton, Pearlie Mae  01-30-1931   01-08-1974   Mt. Gillion
Horton, Quincy "Sweet Pea" Demond Handy Horton 1980?? 01-17-2022 Mt. Gillion - Hus. of Katrina Handy
Horton, Raven M.  1995   1995   Mt. Gillion
Horton, Reginal DeWayne 06-03-1986 11-07-2008 Mt. Gillian
Horton, Robert  09-30-1895   12-24-1968   Thompson-Black
Horton, Ronnie W. "P-Wood" 08-03-1964 03-10-2022 Mt. Gillian
Horton, Roy Elbert 08-27-1941 02-02-2008 Mt. Gillian
Horton, Rudolph L.  07-24-1901   04-28-1995   Tennessee - Hus. of Lurie Lee Horton, Married--01-03-1931
Horton, Salley McCarver  1881   1973   New Prospect
Horton, Salliee  1905   1981   Thompson-Black
Horton, Shelia Cassandra  08-17-1951 07-24-2001 Thompson-Black
Horton, Sidney L.  03-09-1912   09-03-1988   Ramah - Married--05-27-1934, Cpl., U.S. Army, WW II
Horton, Troy Gene Horton   05-27-1955   05-12-1995   Mt. Gillion
Horton, Virginia 1945   1993   Carroll
Horton, William Dottra  10-01-1911   05-20-1963   Tennessee
Horton, William "Bill" Howard 01-09-1931 05-18-2020 Tennessee - Hus. of Bobbi Wright Horton
Horton, Willie H.  09-16-1879   04-30-1965   Tennessee
Horton, Willie Herman 1949 2020 Mt. Gillian
Hosey, Mattie E. 02-18-1852   03-12-1892   Brookland - Wife of W.C. Brook
Houchens, Lisa Marie Tipton Sollazzo 10-01-1962 11-25-2002 Antioch Timpson - Buried by Richard Dean Tipton
Houghton, Elsie Newman Ramsey  09-16-1909   11-23-1999   Tennessee - Wife of Elza L. Ramsey and Henry Houghton- Marker with E. Ramsey
Houghton, Lillian Marshall  1907   1980   Tennessee
House, Earline  - - Joaquin-Black
House, John L.  1931 1974 Joaquin-Black
House, Rosie  - - Joaquin-Black
Houser, Lafayette Water 1861 1910 Smyrna-Timpson
Houston, G. Addison  1858   1942   Fairview
Houston, Martilla 07-03-1852   03-06-1927   Corinth - Wife of C. I. Houston
Houston, S. P. 12-31-1895   03-17-1917   Blair
Houston, Sally Hanna     1867   1908   Fairview
Hovis, Daisy Violet     09-14-1902   07-21-1905   Fairview
Hovis, Frances F.  12-31-1868   01-23-1907   Fairview