Shelby County Dead

Smith, A - Smith, Lyn


Smith, A. D. Jack   1890   1950   Fairview
Smith, A. M.  04-02-1840   04-03-1917   New Prospect
Smith, A. N.  09-26-1816   04-05-1859 Tennessee
Smith, A. R.  07-27-1854   09-13-1941 North Jericho
Smith, Alton Matthew, Jr. 2020 2020 Mt. Gillian
Smith, Addie     09-24-1879   03-30-1943 Neuville
Smith, Addie J.  1888   1940   Restland
Smith, Addin H. 1906   1937   Carroll
Smith, Albarto 11-10-1915 01-04-1929 Smyrna-Timpson
Smith, Albert Benjamin 02/19/1918 12/22/2003 Cedar Yard -Husb of Maurine Smith
Smith, Albert J.  12-10-1902   02-05-1971   Restland
Smith, Alfred Melton  12-04-1919   07-07-1993   New Prospect - U.S. Army, WW II
Smith, Alfred Oliver  03/04/1875 03/20/1955 Pull Tight-Pine Hill 
Smith, Alice  01-13-1909   -   Old Salem -
Smith, Alma Faye  03-13-1940   05-11-1941   Jackson
Smith, Alva  03/05/1841 12/04/1885 Smith-Hayden - Husb of Bell Smith- Buried Timpson Woodland.
Smith, Amy  03-25-1889   10-03-1912   Ramah - Dau. of D.W. & L.E. Smith
Smith, Ancie  08-07-1895   08-20-1940   White Rock
Smith, Angela 10-01-1956 03-30-2007 Cremation
Smith, Anna Lou  07-04-1878   01-05-1964   Willow Grove
Smith, Annie Gregory  09-16-1922   05-06-1987   Woodlawn - Wife of Harold Lloyd Smith, Married--04-01-1954
Smith, Annie Mae  03-19-1919   04-18-1988   Pleasant Grove
Smith, Archie W.  11-08-1878   08-04-1942   Mt. Zion
Smith, Arthur A.  , Jr. 1926 1986 Oaklawn Memorial Park -
Smith, Audrey  05-26-1904 04-04-1995 Smith-James  - w/o Marvin Smith, m. 08-14-1925
Smith, Audrey Marie  04-07-1919   10-10-1991   Powdrill
Smith, Audrey Ramsey  04-22-1900   -   New Prospect
Smith, Aunt" Sallie  1840   1933   Mt.Zion-Netherly-Timpson
Smith, Aurelious B.  01-26-1885   12-21-1896   Ramah
Smith, Baby  -   -   White Rock
Smith, Baby  -   -   White Rock
Smith, Baby  -   -   White Rock
Smith, Baby  -   -   White Rock
Smith, Baby  -   -   White Rock
Smith, Baby  -   -   White Rock
Smith, Baby  04-26-1895   04-26-1895   Woodlawn - Child of C.F. & E.J. Smith
Smith, Barbara Ann Alford 07-25-1941 07-02-2023 Restland - Wife of Jerry Smith
Smith, Barbara B.  10-03-1920   -   Woodlawn - Wife of Woodrow D. Smith, Married--09-17-1948
Smith, Barbara Jean 01-08-1944 07-30-2022 Smith-James - Wife of Clyde Smith
Smith, Barry Wayne  03-19-1965 08-09-1974 Oaklawn Memorial Park -
Smith, Belle  1849   1909   Woodlawn - Wife of Alva Smith
Smith, Belton Eben  04-15-1903   08-23-1990   New Prospect
Smith, Bertha B.  1921   2003 Johnson-Fellowship
Smith, Bertha Mae    09-08-1898   07-31-1931   McClelland
Smith, Bertha Woodfin 01-10-1890   01-18-1952   Brookland
Smith, Bettie B. Smith 07/28/1863 08/04/1895 Matlock -Wife of J.A. Smith-Married 10/21/1890
Smith, Betty  1888   1947   Woodlawn - Wife of C.G. Smith
Smith, Betty A.  1947   1983   Westview
Smith, Betty Opal  11-19-1919   05-20-1985   Sholar
Smith, Betty Sue  05-10-1931 05-02-1960 Oaklawn Memorial Park -
Smith, Bettye Graves 07-10-1938 01-28-2015 McClelland - Wife of Billie George Smith, Sr.
Smith, Billy Joe  04/07/1941 12/03/1981 Pleasant Grove-Tenaha
Smith, Blake Alan  02-24-2000 02-07-2000 Oaklawn Memorial Park -
Smith, Bobbie L.  1899   1949   White Rock
Smith, Bobbie Lee (Fermon)  07-07-1904   06-03-1936   White Rock
Smith, Bobby Gene Merritt 05-09-1936   02-19-2011 Woodlawn - Hus. of Tommie Lynn Atkins Smith, Married 03-13-1954
Smith, Bobby Joe 08/22/1938 02/09/1992 Cedar Yard -U.S. Army
Smith, Bobby Lynn  09-26-1957   07-15-1992   Restland
Smith, Buren Wayne  1931 1980 Oaklawn Memorial Park -
Smith, Burl  -   10-29-1964   Pine Ridge Husb of Alice Smith
Smith, Byron J.  -   01-02-1940   Woodlawn
Smith, C. D.  08-06-1927 11-05-1999 Smith-James  -  h/o Jessie Mae Smith 
Smith, C. N.  01-29-1862   10-10-1888   Ramah
Smith, C. Wood  1884   1936   Fairview
Smith, Caledonia Colwell  01-22-1859   05-26-1931   Woodlawn - Wife of Rev. C.B. Smith
Smith, Callie  08-11-1897 03-20-1966 Oaklawn Memorial Park - w/o J. Arlin Smith
Smith, Callie Marie 12/06/1920 09/01/1974 Cedar Yard -Wife of I. T. Smith
Smith, Calvin    -   -   Lone Cedar - Son of J.A. Smith and Wife
Smith, Carl J.  06-28-1934   08-29-2009   White Rock
Smith, Carl Lebaron     07-29-1910   02-09-1992   McClelland - Married 05-01-1935
Smith, Carol J. (Tyndell)  05-23-1935   08-01-1994   Restland
Smith, Carroll Wood  03-16-1952 - Smith-James  -
Smith, Cassie  03-15-1897   05-25-1897   Woodlawn
Smith, Catherine Virginia  08-03-1858 02-15-1936 Newburn - "Jennie"
Smith, Catie A. 09-29-1844   01-12-1927   McClelland
Smith, Cecile Jeanine  11-13-1913 12-21-1970 Mt. Herman -
Smith, Charles Henry  10-10-1933 07-19-2004 Westview - Husb of Mozelle Smith
Smith, Charles M.  01-29-1921   03-27-1957   Mt. Pleasant -
Smith, Charles Polk   12-31-1897   04-30-1917   Fairview
Smith, Charles Polk, Jr.   12-09-1895   11-28-1925   Fairview
Smith, Charlie Polk 10-26-1925 09-07-2006 Fairview - Dau of Charles Polk and Margaret Price Smith
Smith, Charles R.  09/19/1841 10/25/1910 Tenaha-City
Smith, Charles Richard  08-10-1956   05-03-1989   Pleasant Grove
Smith, Charles W.  11-18-1958 06-01-2021 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Pamela Cheree Borders Smith;  m. 04-25-1987 & h/o of Holly Evans Smith
Smith, Charles Wayne  05-18-1925   08-06-1976   New Prospect
Smith, Charlie A.  08-16-1876   10-30-1923   Willow Grove
Smith, Charlie C.  07-10-1863   03-24-1949  Short
Smith, Charlie, Rev. 02-07-1866   08-06-1948   White Rock
Smith, Chas. H.  09-24-1866   01-31-1935   Fairview
Smith, Child - - Adams - Child of Steve Smith
Smith, Clarence E.  10-19-1915   09-23-1982   Pleasant Grove
Smith, Claude O.  ?   06-18-1994   Westview
Smith, Clevie  01/26/1878 06/19/1973 Smith- Jones
Smith, Cooper  02/18/1872 02/02/1891 Eli Smith Family - Son of Eli & Mary Lundy Smith
Smith, Cora  09-09-1947 04-17-2000 Westview - Wife of George Harris
Smith, Cora Lee Hall 02-22-1917 11-08-2007 New Hope
Smith, D. D.  1868   1943   Ramah
Smith, Daisy L. Corley 05-30-1880 06-04-1905 Clardy - Wife of J.L. Smith
Smith, Daniel Rance  06-20-1931   08-22-1993 Johnson-Fellowship
Smith, Daniel W.  06-16-1864   08-04-1938   Ramah
Smith, Darline (Renfroe) 01-31-1952 04-29-2023 Cremation
Smith, David Wayne 06-15-1974 09-18-2021 Smith-James
Smith, Dee  09-26-1895   10-18-1977   Pleasant Grove
Smith, Della  1882   01-02-1957   Mt.Zion-Netherly-Timpson
Smith, Della  01-06-1904   08-15-1933   White Rock
Smith, Delle L.  1880   1930   Woodlawn - Wife of J.A. Smith
Smith, Dewey L.  1900 1982 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Susie Garrett Smith
Smith, Dora 06-21-1871   12-17-1899   Buena Vista - Wife of Tom Smith
Smith, Dora Fay 04-01-1929   09-25-1931   Buena Vista
Smith, Dorcas S.  07-07-1894 11-11-1968 Oaklawn Memorial Park -
Smith, Dorothy  04-21-1910 09-17-2000 Woodlawn
Smith, Dot 05-19-1930 11-05-2019 Fairview
Smith, Douglas Wayne 12-07-1941 10-15-2008 Old Salem
Smith, Doyt Michael 11-19-1984 10-01-2020 White Rock - Son of Sharron Livingston Boes
Smith, Dr. Edward W.     10-08-1884   06-20-1943   Woodlawn
Smith, Dudley   02-17-1901   10-14-1917   East Hamilton
Smith, Dwane  01-02-1965   08-25-1965   Pine Ridge
Smith, E. E.  1872   1937   Woodlawn
Smith, Earl 07-26-1931 03-01-2019 Strong - Hus. of Wardella Smith
Smith, Ed C.  01-02-1883   11-05-1940   Fairview
Smith, Eddie D. 05-16-1924   05-29-1985   Pine Ridge - Sgt. Army WWII
Smith, Eddie Dalton, Jr. 07-22-1949 09-06-2023 Pine Ridge - Hus. of Diann Smoak
Smith, Edith 10-14-1932 12-07-2014 Ramah - Wife of Eddie Dalton Smith, Sr.
Smith, Edith Eunice   04-21-1895   01-20-1903   Woodlawn - Dau. of F.M. & M.J. Smith
Smith, Edna E.  04-19-1930   03-03-1934 North Jericho
Smith, Edna T 1885 1959 Newburn - wife of Walter Smith
Smith, Edward S. 1904   1946   McClelland
Smith, Edwin O.  02-21-1869   10-21-1904   Woodlawn
Smith, Effie K. 12-07-1886   06-21-1966   Carroll - Wife of Samuel W. Smith
Smith, Elaine  09-28-1928 10-20-1930 Sardis
Smith, Elder  04-09-1899   07-30-1939   White Rock
Smith, Eli Martin  02/03/1833 03/05/1907 Eli Smith Family - Husb. of Mary Lundy Smith
Smith, Elizabeth Ann Lebo  10/07/1844 02/27/1928 Smith- Jones
Smith, Elizabeth Jean 07-30-1931   08-07-1931   Lone Cedar
Smith, Elizabeth Mother 12-07-1845   02-16-1931   Carroll
Smith, Ellen  10/20/1833 09/24/1874 Johnson-Henrietta - Wife of Jacob Smith
Smith, Elvin Hollis  01-01-1911   08-16-1994   White Rock
Smith, Elzie  08-30-1897   02-27-1972   Westview - Texas Pvt., Co. D, 355 Labor BN QMC, WW I
Smith, Emma A.  03-03-1882   01-07-1942   White Rock
Smith, Emma Alice  04-22-1864 06-27-1915 Newburn
Smith, Emzy Chapman  05-21-1814 10-12-1892 Newburn - husb. of Susanah Catherine Smith
Smith, Emzy Chapman  09-08-1867 11-29-1937 Newburn
Smith, Emzy F.  12-15-1886 05-03-1949 Newburn
Smith, Ennis S.  03-21-1898   10-24-1982   Jackson
Smith, Era E.  06-07-1914   12-22-2004   Restland
Smith, Essie Barbee  02-23-1912   -   Short
Smith, Ethel  09-17-1900   03-15-1981   Westview
Smith, Ethel Z.  08-04-1870   09-23-1949   White Rock
Smith, Eugene  12/01/1899 11/22/1977 Smith- Jones
Smith, Eugene "Gene"     12-11-1899   11-22-1977   Powdrill
Smith, Eugenie C.    12-11-1909   10-04-1972   Fairview
Smith, Eva  1906   1993   New Hope
Smith, Evalyn  08/26/1916 10/06/1885 Smith- Jones
Smith, Evans 02-07-1922   05-17-1983   Antioch Timpson
Smith, Evelyn Powdrill  01-24-1917 01-27-2005 Pleasant Grove - Wife of Ruben Smith
Smith, Evie Smith - 01/16/1903 Eaves-Smith - Daughter of J.W. & E. Smith
Smith, Ezra  06-02-1908   08-29-1996   White Rock
Smith, Fannie  12-29-1859   02-10-1938   White Rock
Smith, Fannie M.  1896 1966 Oaklawn Memorial Park - w/o Sam H. Smith
Smith, Fannie Samford  11-06-1860 12-06-1930 Newburn - wife of Hugh Smith
Smith, Fay Dell  07/03/1915 10/21/1997 Pleasant Grove-Tenaha
Smith, Finnis C.  09-13-1907   07-27-1975   Ramah
Smith, Florea D.  1908 1976 Sardis - Wife of J. O. Smith
Smith, Florence A.  04-15-1920 04-23-1961 Oaklawn Memorial Park -
Smith, Flossie Caroline 10-30-1938 09-04-2020 White Rock
Smith, Floy E.  1877   1971   New Prospect
Smith, Forest  04-09-1912   09-13-1980   Smyrna-Timpson - Hus. of Jessie B. Smith, Son of George & Willie Smith
Smith, Forest, Jr.  1936   1985   Smyrna-Timpson - Son of Forest, Sr. & Willie Smith
Smith, Francis H. 01/15/1914 01/15/1914 Cedar Yard
Smith, Francis M., Jr.   11-03-1893   06-15-1978   Woodlawn - Pvt., U.S. Army, WW I
Smith, Frank  Smith- JonesNo dates given
Smith, Frank M. 1861   1917   Woodlawn - Hus. of Mattie J. Smith
Smith, Fred S.   03-02-1939   07-25-1988   East Hamilton
Smith, Freddie Alton  05-16-1924   11-19-1985   Pine Ridge
Smith, Frenchie 02-09-1947 06-12-2007 Cedar Yard
Smith, G. C.  10-04-1854   09-23-1920   Mt. Pleasant -
Smith, George  -   - Restland  - Age 7 Months
Smith, George  03-10-1895   09-28-1966   Smyrna-Timpson - Hus. of Willie Smith, Father of Forest Smith, Jr.
Smith, George  03-15-1897   04-27-1919   Westview
Smith, George Massey  02-20-1903 09-22-1996 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Ruby Sanders Smith;  m. 09-25-1927 
Smith, George R., Sr.  1913 2005 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Ruth M. Smith 
Smith, George S.  03-07-1859   06-25-1928   White Rock
Smith, Gerald "Jerry" Wayne 02-20-1938 02-24-2025 Restland - Hus. of Barbara Ann Alford Smith
Smith, Geraldine  1924   1928   New Prospect - Dau of Audrey and Belton Smith
Smith, Geraldine 01-10-1944 03-23-2013 Mt. Herman
Smith, Gorge Ray 1944? 10-30-2014 Cremation
Smith, Gladys Beatrice  1919   1994   Fairview
Smith, Grace L.  01-19-1910 03-08-1995 Oaklawn Memorial Park - -
Smith, Gracie Mae  04/06/1929 10/19/1999 Gates
Smith, Grady  03-12-1915   07-25-1931   White Rock
Smith, Granville Carroll 09-07-1916   01-17-1917   Carroll - Son of Mr. & Mrs. Jim Smith
Smith, Guy C. 12/27/1906 01/02/1918 Cedar Yard
Smith, H. C. Smith   03-30-1908   07-03-1948   White Rock
Smith, H. D.  10-14-1897   06-10-1926   Jackson
Smith, H. Eugene 01/20/1940 05/08/1993 Cedar Yard
Smith, Hannah  12-05-1866 02-19-1932 Newburn
Smith, Hardy - 08/08/1901 Eaves-Smith - Son of J. W. & E. Smith
Smith, Harmie Harrison 06-07-1947 10-27-2017 Blair - Hus. of Joy Smith
Smith, Harold Lloyd  07-17-1924   03-17-1984   Woodlawn - Hus. of Annie Gregory Smith, Married--04-01-1954, Tec 4, U.S. Army, WW II
Smith, Hattie  09/13/1842 09/17/1913 Pull Tight-Pine Hill 
Smith, Hattie Seabelle  10-07-1897 08-24-1901 Smith-James 
Smith, Henry  04-10-1877   02-20-1920   New Hope
Smith, Henry  12/22/1861 01/28/1939 Rather-Black
Smith, Henry  10/12/1872 12/15/1928 Bennett Chapel
Smith, Henry B.  06-17-1889   01-11-1959   Enterprise - Texas Cook, Co. B, 3 Inf., Texas NG
Smith, Herman I.  04-18-1911   12-27-1970   Patroon - Husb of Ruby Cain Smith
Smith, Hiram V.  05-10-1881   01-04-1934   White Rock
Smith, Hollie Mae  04-20-1926   05-04-1927   White Rock
Smith, Homer B.  1905   1951   Woodlawn - U.S. Air Force
Smith, Homer E. Jack 1938 2006 Old Salem - Husb of Velma Smith
Smith, Homer H.  11-18-1911   03-25-1990   Restland
Smith, Howard W.  1862   1943   Restland
Smith, Hubern L.  1906 1990 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Opal A. Smith 
Smith, Hubern Larry 08-10-1941 06-06-2021 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Pollyanne Barron Smith
Smith, Hugh  03-07-1854 02-13-1939 Newburn
Smith, Hugh 06-11-1930 01-31-2010 Smith-James - Hus. of Jane Smith
Smith, Hugh D.  03-05-1895 01-12-1898 Newburn
Smith, Hugh J.  05-08-1924   01-27-1945   Pine Ridge - TX-PFC-135-Inf 34 div. WWII "Bravely he faught & died in the service of his country."
Smith, I. T. 04/04/1912 06/15/1994 Cedar Yard -Husb of Callie Marie Smith
Smith, Ida  11-27-1856   10-30-1926   Fairview
Smith, Ida Belle  03-20-1881   11-03-1937   Strong
Smith, Ida Gree 05/18/1897 Greer-Brady
Smith, Ida S.  1878 1876 Forbis
Smith, Ila Mae  1906   1929   Fairview
Smith, Infant -   -   Enterprise - Dau of Mr. & Mrs. H. B. Smith
Smith, Infant  05-12-1901   12-11-1901   White Rock - Son of T.C. & V.E. Smith
Smith, Infant -   -   White Rock - Dau. of J.R. & Bell Smith
Smith, Infant 03-19-1913   03-19-1913   White Rock - Son of Mr. & Mrs. M.C. Smith
Smith, Infant 06-21-1922   06-21-1922   White Rock - Dau of Mr. & Mrs. M.C. Smith
Smith, Infant  10-08-1903   10-08-1903   Woodlawn - Dau of W.A. & Leta Smith
Smith, Infant Son  12-25-1919   12-25-1919   Mt. Pleasant - Son of L.E. & Susie Smith
Smith, Ira  08/30/1941 07/30/2000 Wimberly-Rayburn
Smith, Irene Atkins  09-03-1913   01-05-1995   Woodlawn
Smith, Izora Elizabeth  12-04-1895   03-18-1995   White Rock
Smith, J. A Mrs. 12-13-1868   03-22-1926   Fairview
Smith, J. A.  1868   1948   Fairview - Baptist Minister
Smith, J. Arlin  12-22-1892 11-09-1966 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Callie Smith 
Smith, J. B.  12/25/1899 12/29/1989 Pull Tight-Pine Hill  - U.S. Army WWII
Smith, J. C.  06-26-1852   01-23-1890   Pleasant Grove
Smith, J. C.  12-08-1931   12-12-1991   Westview
Smith, J. D.  11-12-1866   11-20-1952   McClelland
Smith, J. Frank  01-15-1871   08-03-1935   Strong
Smith, J. H. "Hub"  01-21-1892 05-24-1977 Smith-James  - h/o Neva E. Smith
Smith, J. J.  1837   1902   Short
Smith, J. O.  1899 1960 Sardis - Hus. of Florea D. Smith
Smith, J. T., Sr. 03-22-1931 09-29-1984 Smith-James  - h/o Lona E. Smith
Smith, J. W.  07-28-1941   05-14-1942   Pleasant Grove - Son of Mr. & Mrs. J.E. Smith, Jr.
Smith, Jack Spencer  07-09-1944   09-09-1962 Johnson-Fellowship
Smith, Jackson  1890   1892   Short
Smith, Jacob  02/17/1833 12/14/1882 Johnson-Henrietta - Texas Pvt.Co. E 3 Regt. Tex Cal. CSA
Smith, Jacob  02-17-1835 12-14-1882 Johnson-Fellowship
Smith, Jacob E.  03-02-1884   03-26-1959   Pleasant Grove
Smith, Jacob E., Jr.   11-27-1916   06-14-1970   Pleasant Grove
Smith, Jake  05-09-1907   08-24-1975   Fairview
Smith, Jake  08-06-1921   12-06-1955   White Rock - Texas Pfc, 9829 Tech SVC Unit
Smith, James C.  1909 1990 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Mable R. Smith 
Smith, James Earl 11-27-1871 1890 Brookland
Smith, James F.  01-04-1860 12-30-1943 Newburn
Smith, James Franklin  02-08-1892   12-06-1974   Pine Ridge
Smith, James Guy  04/12/1912 08/29/1970 Smith- Jones- Tex. BMI USNR WWII
Smith, James Harry 11-27-1917   11-27-1917   Enterprise - Inf. Son of J.H. Smith
Smith, James Hugh  06-10-1897   03-16-1950   New Prospect
Smith, James L.  1871   1953   Restland
Smith, James Lewis  09-09-1889   05-18-1925   McClelland
Smith, James M. 09-22-1852   02-13-1908   Fairview
Smith, James N.  1872   1946   Ramah
Smith, James Pearson "Chip"  12-28-1897   06-21-1989  Short - Pvt., U.S. Army, WW I
Smith, James Ray 04-24-1937 02-17-2024 Oaklawn Memorial Park - Hus. of Ruby Warr Smith
Smith, James T.  09/09/1923 08/24/1993 Wimberly-Rayburn - Husb of Linda Smith-US Army WWII
Smith, James W. (Jake)  01-16-1932   03-15-2003  White Rock - Husb of Marilyn Smith
Smith, James William  1924 05-02-2000 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Lola Smith, U.S. Army, WW II, had DOB as 12-23-1921
Smith, LaJuan Anderson 12-14-1942 05-09-2022 Smith - Wife of Hugh Coy Smith
Smith, Janet Sue Warren  10-27-1951 02-10-2001 Tennessee - Wife of Danny Ray Smith
Smith, Jemyma F.  09-10-1903  01-05-1995  Old Home
Smith, Jerry  07-31-1943 09-14-1978 Oaklawn Memorial Park -
Smith, Jesse A.  01-16-1896   05-28-1987   Pine Ridge
Smith, Jessie B.  05-08-1910   08-10-1983   Smyrna-Timpson - Wife of George Smith, Mother of Forest Smith, Sr.
Smith, Jessie Lee 1932   1932   Tennessee
Smith, Jessie Mae  12-05-1931 03-10-2000 Smith-James  - w/o C. D. Smith
Smith, Jessie Salter 07-21-1938 11-25-2021 Cremation
Smith, Jessie T. 09/28/1873 11/03/1903 Cedar Yard
Smith, Jim  01-11-1886   10-15-1937   Mt. Pleasant - Husb of Zylphia William Smith
Smith, Jim Lee 06-12-1886   11-22-1944   Carroll
Smith, Jim Milton  08-11-1924 04-04-1990 Newburn
Smith, Jimmie  11-30-1898   03-01-1928   White Rock
Smith, Jimmy 1921   1996   Antioch Timpson
Smith, Jo Ann  1951   1951   Ramah
Smith, Joe (Monk)  02-08-1888   08-15-1943   White Rock
Smith, Joe C.  08-31-1890   07-03-1959   Pleasant Grove - Texas Pvt., Co. L, 85 Inf., WW II
Smith, Joe Clyde, Jr. 07-18-1991 06-24-2019 Smith Private Cemetery
Smith, Joe P.  12-30-1885   11-30-1957   Ramah
Smith, Joe R.  08-11-1924 07-20-2005 Newburn - husb. of Joyce Smith
Smith, Joel R. 01-31-1879   12-30-1934   Brookland
Smith, John - 02-14-1918 Clardy - CSA, Co. F. 2nd Regmt. Texas Infantry
Smith, John  1951   1951   Ramah
Smith, John Edward 11-22-1963 07-24-2021 Wimberly
Smith, John F.  05-06-1882   06-12-1973   Pleasant Grove
Smith, John P.  10-18-1878   12-01-1964   New Prospect
Smith, John Paul  09-16-1935   11-21-2007 Restland - Husb of Nellie Jean Conway Smith
Smith, John Richard 02-05-1961 010-04-2009 Oaklawn Memorial Park
Smith, John Russell 03-31-1940 08-06-2014 Oaklawn Memorial Park - Hus. of Cindy Smith
Smith, John W.    05-12-1871   -   Jackson
Smith, John W.  03-06-1820 03-13-1905 Rather - From Shelby County Civil War
Smith, Johnnie Edward  07-29-1900   04-08-1960   Pine Ridge - Married--03-28-1919
Smith, Johnnie Mae McLemore  10/13/1924 06/20/1954 New Hope-Timpson - Wife of Edward J. Smith, Sr.
Smith, Johnny 08-05-1891   08-19-1899   Buena Vista - Son of Tom & D. Smith
Smith, Johnny Ray 07-09-1949 11-20-2024 Houston National Cemetery - Hus. of Velma Smith
Smith, Joseph Allen  11-24-1972 11-25-1972 Oaklawn Memorial Park -
Smith, Joseph Council  06-26-1852   01-23-1890   Pleasant Grove
Smith, Joseph H.  11-29-1896   08-18-1968   Restland
Smith, Josephine King  07-24-1897   05-01-1992   Pleasant Grove
Smith, Josie  04-28-1872   10-26-1955  Short
Smith, Joyce  01-02-1931 04-07-2005 Newburn - wife of Joe Smith
Smith, Joyce E. Pell 02-04-1926 08-31-2008 Newburn - Wife of Winston Samford Smith
Smith, Joyce Wilburn 08-06-1945 01-31-2023 Patroon
Smith, Juanita Faye 04-16-1941 09-07-2017 Wimberly - Wife of Ira Smith
Smith, Judson A.  02-16-1872   04-26-1949   Woodlawn
Smith, Kathy Ann  1952   1964   Old Salem - Dau. of Homer & Velma Smith
Smith, Katie Bell  1892 1952 Newburn
Smith, Kennard Scott  02-25-1945 01-05-1986 Newburn
Smith, Kenny 04-14-1947 12-20-2021 Woodlawn
Smith, L.  1855 1919 Tenaha-City
Smith, L. A.  09-22-1881 09-22-1968 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Lela Smith 
Smith, L. D.  1906 1960 Oaklawn Memorial Park -
Smith, Larry 05-08-1958 04-10-2022 Carroll - Hus. of Connie Smith
Smith, Lawrence Arlon  11-25-1915   12-19-1996   Sholar
Smith, Lee J.  07-28-1911   06-30-1968   New Hope
Smith, Lela  1885 1962 Oaklawn Memorial Park - w/o L. A. Smith 
Smith, Lela E.& Baby 07-28-1887   03-20-1926   Carroll
Smith, Lem F.  07/16/1840 07/25/1908 Pull Tight-Pine Hill  - Husband of Hattie Smith
Smith, Lemma A. 04-12-1850 05-16-1889 Clardy - Wife of J.P. Smith
Smith, Leona Halbert     1868   1951   Fairview
Smith, Leroy  08-29-1920 04-03-1975 Oaklawn Memorial Park - SFC US ARMY 
Smith, Leroy  1904   1957   White Rock
Smith, Leta Bussey  1865   1951   Woodlawn
Smith, Levi  03-29-1829 06-22-1892 Smith-James 
Smith, Levi  1852   1929   Willow Grove
Smith, Levie  1870   1951   Westview
Smith, Levie  12-26-1896   02-04-1966   White Rock
Smith, Lewis E.  11-20-1925   08-09-1987   White Rock
Smith, Libba  1887   1970   Restland
Smith, Lilla  1879   1971   Ramah
Smith, Lillian Jane  Smith- Jones No dates given
Smith, Lillie S.  07-31-1928   -   White Rock
Smith, Lily B.  1901   1969   Fairview
Smith, Linda Lee Stark 11-24-1931 08-20-2011 Wimberly - Wife of James Smith
Smith, Linus Parker  02-26-1883   07-06-1908   Mt. Zion
Smith, Lisa Gayle  08-05-1960   12-21-2015 McClelland
Smith, Lisa Kaye  08-1958   08-1958   Woodlawn - Dau. of Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Gene Smith
Smith, Lisebell  1862   1892   Short
Smith, Little Brother  02-12-1900 03-13-1900 Smith-James 
Smith, Lizzie  08-17-1867   12-07-1954 North Jericho
Smith, Lizzie G.  12-07-1878   01-23-1970   Woodlawn
Smith, Lloyd C.  08-11-1891 07-21-1963 Oaklawn Memorial Park -
Smith, Lloyd William 03-20-1940 08-11-2017 Cremation - h/o Peggy Smith
Smith, Logan Love  04-18-1822 08-14-1884 Smith-Jones  - From Shelby County Civil War-Our Dead - Pvt. Texas State Troop CSA - Husb of Maria Jones Smith
Smith, Lola  1908 2001 Oaklawn Memorial Park - w/o James William Smith 
Smith, Lola B.  1896   1987   East Hamilton
Smith, Lona E.  12-01-1933 06-23-1988 Smith-James  -w/o J. T. Smith, Sr.
Smith, Loniedas  02-19-1893   06-06-1922   Mt. Pleasant - Texas Pvt., 34 Co., 165 Dep. Brig., WW I
Smith, Lonnie    12-10-1909   09-01-1996   McClelland
Smith, Lottie  12-15-1867   12-21-1902   Mt. Pleasant - Wife of J.E. Smith
Smith, Lou Ella  02-05-1870   03-23-1964   Ramah
Smith, Lou Vinnie  10-15-1877   12-10-1960   Jackson
Smith, Louetta 10-01-1877   06-15-1967   Fairview
Smith, Louise Elizabeth  04-04-1910   12-21-1988   Fairview
Smith, Lourice H.  11-06-1927 10-09-2002 White Rock
Smith, Loyce E.  08-07-1913   08-29-1956   White Rock
Smith, Lucile 01-28-1905 08-17-1905 Clardy - Dau of J.L. & Daisy L. Corley Smith
Smith, Lucille   07-23-1943   -   East Hamilton
Smith, Lucille  1889   1925   Fairview - Wife of T.T. Smith
Smith, Lucius G. 04-02-1874   12-11-1941   Corinth
Smith, Lucy Elizabeth  11-17-1851 11-16-1939 Newburn
Smith, Lucy Faucett  04-13-1780 11-11-1849 Newburn - wife of William Smith
Smith, Luis M.  08-14-1973   10-13-1997   Pleasant Grove
Smith, Lula D.  1862   1941   Restland
Smith, Lula Fay  03-27-1914   06-20-1956   Restland
Smith, Lyndall E.  11-24-1900   10-17-1901   Woodlawn - Dau. of E.O. & Leona Smith