Shelby County Dead

Wild - Williams


Name Birth Date Death Date Cemetery - Remarks
Wilde, Deborah Ann 07-02-1967 03-13-2008 Mt. Olive
Wilder, Bruce  11-21-1937   08-14-1967   Pleasant Grove
Wilder, Doris B.  02-05-1914   08-17-1975   Pleasant Grove - Married--12-10-1937
Wilder, Ernest M.  1882   1973   Restland
Wilder, Mary  1892   1969   Restland
Wilder, Jack 02-11-1950 10-22-2015 Pleasant Grove - Hus. of Kimberly Wilder
Wilder, Wiley B.  04-21-1911   10-20-1966   Pleasant Grove - Married--12-10-1937
Wiley, Florence  09-06-1913   10-10-2001   New Hope
Wiley, Richard 07-27-1937 03-05-2017 Cremation
Wiley, W. S.  04-02-1911   08-31-1993   New Hope
Wilfong, Zealord W.  01-04-1904   12-06-1988   Mt. Olive
Wilkerson, Alvis  -   -   Tennessee
Wilkerson, Baby  01/24/1915 01/26/1915 Old Union - Child of E. L. & Etta Wilkerson
Wilkerson, Bertha  03-07-1905   01-22-1997   White Rock
Wilkerson, Bessie   08-12-1912   -   Wilkerson
Wilkerson, Bettie  1893   1970   White Rock
Wilkerson, Bud   1870   1941   Wilkerson
Wilkerson, Charlotte  06-28-1958   06-28-1958   White Rock
Wilkerson, Claude M.  02/11/1922 05/08/1942 Old Union - S 3/C- Lost with aircraft carrier Lexington in Coral Sea Battle
Wilkerson, E. G.  10-10-1931   02-26-1932   Wilkerson
Wilkerson, Edward Lee  03/26/1893 11/03/1964 Old Union
Wilkerson, Ellis  06-10-1903   08-06-1933   Wilkerson
Wilkerson, Ethel  12-08-1923   01-07-1988   Wilkerson
Wilkerson, Etta E.  12/03/1894 01/16/1949 Old Union
Wilkerson, Evelyn  02-25-1925   02-08-1969   Wilkerson
Wilkerson, Howard Daniel  02/29/1927 04/14/1981 Old Union
Wilkerson, Infant  10/16/1934 10/16/1934 Old Union - Son of Mr.&Mrs. E. L. Wilkerson
Wilkerson, J. B.  02-27-1936   05-26-1936   White Rock
Wilkerson, J. G.  05-13-1943   10-05-1943   White Rock
Wilkerson, James Monrow  07-08-1855   08-29-1927   White Rock
Wilkerson, Joe 01-05-1902   04-27-1995   White Rock
Wilkerson, Leroy  1904   1978   White Rock
Wilkerson, Lloyd E.  10-04-1904   08-07-1988   Rather
Wilkerson, Margaret Ollie  10/19/1923 09/25/1924 Old Union
Wilkerson, Matilda Davis  02-24-1874   05-06-1947   Wilkerson
Wilkerson, Monroe Wilkerson   03-12-1876   02-20-1918   Wilkerson
Wilkerson, Nina M.  08-19-1904   04-09-1997   Rather
Wilkerson, Preston  1928   1916   Wilkerson
Wilkerson, Ruth  1845   1917   Wilkerson
Wilkerson, Sarah  1865   1948   Wilkerson
Wilkerson, Tommy 01-29-1954 12-27-2020 Cremation - Hus. of Karen Wilkerson
Wilkerson, Tonnie  07-10-1900   11-15-1913   Wilkerson
Wilkerson, Travis  -   -   Tennessee
Wilkerson, Valdo W.  08-07-1901   01-27-1978   Wilkerson
Wilkerson, Virginia Bell  02/02/1918 07/02/1992 Old Union
Wilkerson, Will  1891   1957   White Rock
Wilkerson, William Joel  02/11/1917 05/27/1983 Old Union
Wilkins, Alfred J.  1903   1953   Restland
Wilkins, Charles Christopher  06-06-1841   03-15-1929  Short
Wilkins, Dell  1894   1939   Woodlawn
Wilkins, Edgar L.  05-08-1874   02-06-1939  Short
Wilkins, Eula F.  1885 1955 Oaklawn Memorial Park - w/o Hardy Wilkins
Wilkins, Frank W. 09-07-1923   11-30-1994   Brookland
Wilkins, Garland S. 07-26-1887   12-14-1952   Brookland
Wilkins, Hardy  1877 1957 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Eula F. Wilkins
Wilkins, Howell 03-21-1897   11-07-1918   Brookland - Husb. of Francis Wilson
Wilkins, Johnnie 05-29-1928 06-20-2010 Oaklawn Memorial Park - Wife of Raleigh Felton Wilkins
Wilkins, Judy Kay Hutto 07-23-1958 07-10-2023 Stong
Wilkins, Kathleen  1913   1937   Woodlawn
Wilkins, Mattie B. 11-12-1892   09-15-1963   Brookland
Wilkins, Raleigh Felton 06-03-1919 02-02-2009 Oaklawn Memorial Park - Hus. of Johnnie Wilkins
Wilkins, S. C.  11-03-1844   01-12-1918  Short
Wilkins, Weldon  05-04-1916   12-10-1925  Short
Wilkinson, Alton 03-12-1959 01-09-2015 Buckner - Hus. of Karen Wilkinson
Wilkinson, Clifton Eugene 07-14-1950 05-04-2022 Cremation - Hus. of Connie Wilkinson
Wilkinson, Elza Lee  11-08-1900 11-24-1990 Sardis - Hus. of Myrtie Wilkinson
Wilkinson, James 09-30-1927 05-03-2018 Sardis
Wilkinson, James F.  04-06-1904   11-11-1985   Sandhill
Wilkinson, Karen Denise 12-17-1964 01-08-2021 Cremation - Wife of Tommy Frank Wilkinson
Wilkinson, Madalynn Brooke 04-17-2006 03-20-2019 Cremation - Dau. of Tommy Joe Wilkinson & Barbara Jordan Salas
Wilkinson, Myrtie  02-09-1901 11-20-1976 Sardis - Wife of Elza Lee Wilkinson
Wilkinson, Ray  08-19-1923 10-30-1929 Sardis
Wilkinson, Tommy G. 09-19-1948   09-18-1986   Adams
Wilkinson, Tommy M. 04/13/1923 01/24/1984 Buckner
Wilkinson,   Callie    09-29-1895   09-04-1985   Sandhill
Wilkinson, Mozelle 04-26-1927 06-12-2008 Ramah
Wille, Eunice Ruth 08-23-1934 05-23-1999 Brookland - wife of Oscar M. Wille
Willess, Floyd Joseph, Jr. 11-15-1971 03-15-2013 Campti - Hus. of Dottie Jameson Willess
Willett, Lorene  09-20-1915   06-28-1972   Fairview
Willey, Fred G.  04-14-1878   12-07-1940   Shelbyville
Willey, Jerry Dwight 08-01-1947 05-06-2015 Dunnigan - Hus. of Debbie Willey
Willey, Mary Montteray  03-04-1934   11-20-1912   Shelbyville
Willey, Rebecca Willie Brim  01-20-1883   01-20-1922   Shelbyville
Willey, Ruth Ervin  05-24-1898   03-13-1995   Shelbyville
Williams, ??  ?? ?? Oates - Single Stone
Williams, A. J.  1911 1954 Oaklawn Memorial Park -
Williams, Accie 06-19-1904   08-08-1979   Carroll
Williams, Addie B. - - Smyrna-Timpson
Williams, Adell  09-22-1914   12-09-1965   Smyrna-Timpson
Williams, Alene  1907   1997   East Liberty
Williams, Alice  08-14-1867   05-29-1951   Mt. Olive
Williams, Allen 09-22-1896   10-19-1971   Carroll
Williams, Amanda A.  04/11/1868 11/25/1905 Price-Lone Cedar
Williams, Amanda Lucille  06-11-1911 05-10-2000 Oaklawn Memorial Park - w/o L. H. "Sweet" Williams
Williams, Andrew     1897   1960   Liberty/Ashton Hill
Williams, Annie 11-04-1889   05-27-1962   Carroll
Williams, Annie  10-23-1858   04-24-1951   White Rock
Williams, Annie  1872   1915   White Rock
Williams, Annie A.  12-28-1901   02-20-1902   Waterman - Dau. of J.H. & M. Williams
Williams, Annie Ross Wilson  09-05-1882   02-25-1945   Mt. Olive
Williams, Ariel Marie 08-01-2010 08-01-2010 Powdrill
Williams, Arleva M.  12-17-1895 04-02-1980 Mt. Herman - Wife of Elijah D. Williams
Williams, Armory "Bo"  06/19/1910 11/05/1985 Old Union
Williams, Audrey Ellis  07-27-1920   03-25-2014  Jackson - Wife of Forrest C. Williams
Williams, B. Irving  04-11-1827   02-14-1890   Mt. Olive - Florida Pvt., Co. E, 8 Regt., Fla. Inf., C.S.A.
Williams, Beatrice  04-15-1916   11-22-1939   White Rock
Williams, Becky 07-16-1959 11-23-2016 Oaklawn Memorial Park - Wife of Lester Williams
Williams, Belle  03-23-1876   02-23-1962   New Hope
Williams, Ben 05-29-1907   12-24-1934   Brookland
Williams, Bertha Lee  - 1943 Pleasant Hill - Leg of Bertha Williams
Williams, Berthar  12-31-1888   10-10-1971   White Rock
Williams, Berthena  02-09-1917 11-20-1999 Mt. Gillion
Williams, Beryl Williams   08-30-1916   12-16-1990   White Rock
Williams, Betty Lucille  10-19-1919   05-09-1993   White Rock
Williams, Billie Ray  1938   1993   Liberty/Ashton Hill
Williams, Billy Earl 08-18-1945 01-15-2023 Mt. Herman - Hus. of Jackie Williams
Williams, Billy Frank 02-25-1941   01-14-2011 Jackson
Williams, Billy Rayford 06-20-1944 08-23-2021 Sardis
Williams, Billy Wayne 12-26-1944 12-16-2020 Oaklawn Memorial Park - Hus. of Cathy Samford Williams
Williams, Bobby     ? 12-31-2009 Burton Field - Hus of Loralee Williams
Williams, Bobby L.  07-20-1930   02-17-1996   Strong - Hus. of Myrtie Lou Bass Williams
Williams, Bobby Ray 03-29-1935   10-26-1968   Carroll - SP3, U.S. Army
Williams, Brenda Gail  10-24-1949 12-24-2003 Jackson
Williams, Brian 03-16-1941 04-03-2014 Old Salem - Hus. of Nell Williams
Williams, Brooks 09-01-1898   01-20-1967   Carroll
Williams, Bryan  1896   1897   White Rock - Son of Annie Williams
Williams, Bunkcom  1913   1986   White Rock - Pfc., U.S. Army, WW II
Williams, Bunkcome Wayne 12-19-1957 03-04-2025 White Rock - Hus. of Marlena Williams
Williams, Burnice "Slick"  05-13-1914   12-06-1987   White Rock - Pvt. U.S. Army, WW II
Williams, C. Harvey     1909   1990   Jackson
Williams, Capp  1876 1968 Bennett Chapel
Williams, Caroline  03-14-1844  03-18-1926  Old Home  -Wife of W.W. -Wagstaff
Williams, Carrie - - Buzzard Roost
Williams, Carroll R.  1926   1987   Mt. Olive - Married--09-30-1950
Williams, Charity  1914   1991   Westview
Williams, Charles  05-22-1934   07-15-1966   White Rock
Williams, Charles Edward  02-02-1937 04-27-2003 Liberty/Ashton Hill
Williams, Charles Lemoine  04-04-1932   05-28-2022 Mt. Pleasant - Hus. of Jackie Adams Williams & Frances Williams
Williams, Charles R. 06-05-1931 04-24-2009 Mt. Herman
Williams, Charles Ray 08-18-1944 03-13-2023 Cremation - Hus. of Eunice Fay Williams
Williams, Charles Wayne  07-19-1947   03-07-1970 Johnson-Fellowship - son of Riley& Betty Williams
Williams, Charley  10-16-1882   08-20-1927   White Rock
Williams, Charlie V.     12-15-1882   01-31-1962   Jackson
Williams, Christopher  03-05-1829   08-19-1895   Tennessee
Williams, Christopher Faye 04-21-1938 07-10-2018 Smyrna-Timpson
Williams, Clara  11-16-1893   12-26-1995 Mt. Olive
Williams, Clara  07-13-1899   12-14-1909   Mt. Olive
Williams, Clara O. Oliver 04-20-1929   11-27-2019 White Rock - Wife of Fate Williams
Williams, Clara Stone  05/30/1910 10/30/1989 Old Union
Williams, Clara Stone  05/30/1910 10/30/1989 Old Union
Williams, Clark Paul  07-08-1912   08-17-1958   White Rock
Williams, Comer A.  09-04-1903   12-23-1993   McClelland
Williams, Cora  03-26-1891   08-07-1973   Mt. Olive
Williams, Cora Bell 1938?? 04-07-2017 Bennett Chapel
Williams, Creva May  12-27-1935   11-07-1936   White Rock
Williams, Cynthia R.  1860   1940   Mt. Olive
Williams, Daisy Violet   11-25-1897   06-07-1917   Jackson
Williams, Dalton Wayne 01-04-1995 04-14-2014 Duncan
Williams, Darrell Keith 11-04-1951 10-29-2009 Westview
Williams, Dave  1877 1963 Joaquin-Black
Williams, Dave A. 1885   1974   Jackson
Williams, David D. 03-21-1954 01-17-2020 Oaklawn Memorial Park
Williams, Don Lois Hooper 03-24-1926 04-27-2019 Smyrna-Timpson - Dau of Dan & Lovie Hooper
Williams, Dona  03-13-1884   03-25-1901   Woodlawn - Dau of W.P. & I.L. Williams
Williams, Dora Goodwin    -   -   Burden Field
Williams, Dorothy Jean   06-28-1944   10-20-1969   Carroll
Williams, Dorothy L. ?   1943   Carroll
Williams, Dorris 04-19-1930 02-27-1968 Smyrna-Timpson
Williams, Dorris Armour  12-27-1918 09-08-2003 Westview
Williams, Douglas M.  09-13-1968 05-14-1984 Oaklawn Memorial Park 
Williams, Dovie  04/01/1890 08/09/1897 Price-Lone Cedar
Williams, Drewy W.     05-28-1889   05-18-1911   Liberty/Ashton Hill - Son of Sandy & Millie Williams
Williams, E. D.  05-22-1854   02-06-1918   White Rock
Williams, E. D.  04-24-1933   10-01-1978   White Rock
Williams, Ed  12-15-1888   07-01-1968 Johnson-Fellowship
Williams, Eddie V.  1887   1968   Mt. Olive
Williams, Edgar L. "Pete"  11-15-1906 09-07-1994 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Mildred Jacobs Williams 
Williams, Edith Fowler 02-19-1922 02-13-2006 Sardis
Williams, Edward  02-27-1913   01-28-1953   White Rock - Texas S.Sgt, Sup. Div., Base Air Depot, WW II
Williams, Effie  02-14-1871   02-26-1935   Woodlawn
Williams, Eligie Pearl  05-21-1920   12-06-1943   Mt. Pleasant - RM3, U.S. Navy, WW II
Williams, Elijah D.  09-11-1890 03-31-1972 Mt. Herman 
Williams, Elizabeth Ann Stack  09-18-1830   CA 1910   White Rock
Williams, Ella McBride 02-23-1923 08-29-2016 Cremation - Wife of Bennie McBride
Williams, Ellen  11-23-1853   10-22-1915   Mt. Olive - Wife of J.E. Williams
Williams, Ellie 06-03-1902   08-06-1971   Brookland
Williams, Emma Irene  01-05-1918   03-03-1977   White Rock
Williams, Emmanuel Deshaun Moore  11-16-1976 11-21-2004 Westview
Williams, Emmer L.  1882 1931 Price-Lone Cedar
Williams, Era Faye  02-11-1913 09-07-1993 Smith-James 
Williams, Era Faye  02-11-1913 09-07-1993 Smith-James 
Williams, Era Maxine Dean  07-14-1932 12-05-2010 Oaklawn Memorial Park - w/o Marion Walter (Red) Williams
Williams, Erma L. 12-05-1927 02-19-1984 Sardis - Wife of L. Harry Williams, m. 06-03-1946
Williams, Errol     11-06-1884   01-05-1886   Liberty/Ashton Hill
Williams, Eva T.     10-14-1901   12-09-1973   Jackson - Eastern Star
Williams, Evaline M. Jacki 08-08-1938 03-19-2012 Mt. Herman - Wife of Billy E. Williams
Williams, Evangeline  08-08-1933   -   Mt. Olive
Williams, Evert 1865   1946   Carroll
Williams, Evett Tutt 06-22-1965 09-15-2023 Friendship Bobo - Wife of Johnny Williams
Williams, Evie  02-07-1894   03-16-1955   White Rock
Williams, Evie Ola  1888   1966   Jackson
Williams, F. L. "Foxie"  1906 1987 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Nell E. Williams 
Williams, Fannie  -   11-13-1959   Westview - My Mother
Williams, Fate  1910   1987   Westview
Williams, Fate L. Williams   08-21-1915   03-23-1988   White Rock
Williams, Faye  1929 - Oaklawn Memorial Park - w/o R. F. Williams
Williams, Felicia Latoyna  02-24-1975   02-24-1975   Thompson-Black
Williams, Fettie I.  11-01-1914   10-31-1974   Jackson - Mason
Williams, Florence Franks  03-28-1916   11-22-1998   Mt. Olive - Children--Tommy, Linda, Beverly
Williams, Forrest C. 07-04-1917   02-06-1996   Jackson - Mason, "Child: Forrest Lynn, Jerry Lee
Williams, Frances  1885   1960   Sandhill
Williams, Frances E.  03-21-1922 05-29-2010 Oaklawn Memorial Park - w/o Harley O. Williams;  m. 04-08-1943
Williams, Frank  02-25-1861   02-02-1949   Mt. Olive
Williams, Fred Mandell, Jr. 04-12-1956 03-07-2018 Bo Bo - Hus. of Mildred Williams
Williams, Fred Thomas  05-12-1905   05-19-1992   Mt. Pleasant - Husb of Vallie Hooper Williams
Williams, General I.  1857   1939   Mt. Olive
Williams, George  04-17-1885   09-22-1903   Woodlawn - Son of W.P. & Isola Williams
Williams, George L.  01-06-1900   07-11-1977   White Rock
Williams, George M.  12-27-1836   03-13-1878   Rather
Williams, George W.  1916 1998 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Mary L. Williams
Williams, Georgia  03-29-1854   02-11-1940 Bethel
Williams, Georgia  09-23-1892   03-06-1944 Johnson-Fellowship
Williams, Gilbert Ray  08-17-1939 11-28-2000 Woodlawn
Williams, Gloria Ann  08-06-1955 04-06-2003 Westview - Wife of James Williams
Williams, Gloria Marie 11-10-1946 05-21-2018 Cremation - Wife of Ferrell Williams
Williams, Gracie  1883 1952 Bennett Chapel
Williams, Gracie L.     07-02-1891   -   Jackson
Williams, Gracie O.    12-20-1911   11-06-1882   McClelland
Williams, Grover G. 1893 1964 Antioch -
Williams, Guy  1922   1925   Mt. Pleasant - Son of Jim & Nancy Williams
Williams, Hallie Julie (Scruggs)  01-26-1893   12-20-1989   White Rock
Williams, Harley O.  05-20-1918 07-27-1991 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Frances E. Williams;  m. 04-08-1943, S SGT US ARMY WWII    9TH AIR FORCE
Williams, Harry 08-14-1925 03-09-2007 Sardis
Williams, Hazel Dean  06-29-1929 11-27-2019 Oaklawn Memorial Park - w/o P. (K.P.) Kaufman Williams
Williams, Hebbebta  1901   1901   Short - Son of E.E. Williams
Williams, Heber Lee  11-12-1909   11-05-1989   Mt. Olive - Children--Tommy, Linda, Beverly, CM 3, U.S. Navy, WW II
Williams, Helen C. Hill 08-26-1955 01-27-2023 Rather-Black
Williams, Henry Robert  04-23-1883   08-04-1961   Mt. Olive
Williams, Herbert  03-15-1908   09-05-1908   White Rock
Williams, Herman B.  08-08-1891   07-12-1964   Mt. Olive
Williams, Hester Hanson    01-17-1914   06-21-1956   Jackson
Williams, Hezakiah William 02-17-1844 01-05-1894 Brookland - From Shelby County Civil War
Williams, Hulon P.     09-26-1889   05-25-1965   Jackson - Married to Ruby M. Williams, 08-17-1911, Child: Arvin, Arnold, Murel, Hugh
Williams, Huron  1903   1995   Strong
Williams, Ida ?   09-30-1950   Carroll - Wife of Sam H. Williams
Williams, Ida Wilson  08-02-1902 09-14-1965   Smyrna-Timpson
Williams, Imogean Daniels 1948?? 04-14-2021 Westview
Williams, Inez  02-01-1906   05-27-1946   Mt. Pleasant - Wife of K.P. Williams
Williams, Infant 11-21-1912   -   Jackson - Inf. Dau. of Thomas N. & Daisy Violet Williams
Williams, Infant   01-20-1908   01-20-1908   Jackson - Son of P. J. & Martha Lou Williams
Williams, Infant  09-22-1914   09-22-1914   Mt. Olive
Williams, Infant  01-14-1919   01-14-1919   Mt. Olive - Child of Herman & Cora Williams
Williams, Infant  08-25-1946   08-27-1946   White Rock - Son of Dr. Bill & Emma Williams
Williams, Infant  -   -   White Rock - Dau of D. & Alena Williams
Williams, Infant  -   -   White Rock - Son of D. & Alena Williams
Williams, Infant  01-02-1921   01-02-1921   Sandhill - Dau of Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Williams
Williams, Iola  01-15-1906   06-14-1971   Mt. Olive
Williams, Isaac N.  04-06-1866   03-13-1942   Woodlawn
Williams, Isola  01-09-1864   03-19-1905   Woodlawn - Wife of W.P. Williams
Williams, J. C. (Cola)  03-28-1869   03-02-1954 Johnson-Fellowship
Williams, J. D.  01-31-1928   07-25-2006 West Hamilton
Williams, J. Edmond     11-25-1855   11-06-1931   Mt. Olive
Williams, J. H. "Jim"  07-10-1889   05-03-1964   White Rock
Williams, J. Monroe  1879   1941   Mt. Olive
Williams, J. S.  09-15-1886   07-04-1916 Jackson
Williams, J. W. 06-18-1920   09-29-1998   Jackson - Marr. to Veta McCann, 12-23-1944, Child: John Allen, Donald Bruce
Williams, J. W.  1885   1963   Sandhill
Williams, Jack  1877   1948   Woodlawn - Hus. of Lorena Williams
Williams, Jackie Adams  07-31-1935   12-19-1990   Mt. Pleasant - Wife of Charles L. Williams
Williams, Jacky 06-09-1968 05-07-2018 Willow Grove - Hus. of Dana A. Williams
Williams, James   1880 1881 Oates 
Williams, James Allen     03-11-1884   09-13-1970   Jackson -Mason
Williams, James C.  1892 1965 Mt. Herman - Husb of Letha S. Williams
Williams, James Carl  06-23-1919   02-04-1981   Mt. Olive - Pvt., U.S. Army, WW II
Williams, James Doyal  11-09-1911   05-02-1983 Mt. Pleasant - Hus. of Pauline Stack Williams
Williams, James Harold  1964 1999 Bennett Chapel
Williams, James Hiram  11-10-1877   04-26-1919   Mt. Olive
Williams, James L.  11-19-1957 02-14-2002 Westview - Husb of La Sandra Williams
Williams, James M.  11-08-1854   11-25-1926 Bethel
Williams, James Mose   09-01-1899   06-29-1983   Carroll - Pvt., U.S. Army, WW II
Williams, James Paul  11-25-1910   12-01-1923   Sandhill - Son of J.W. & Fannie Williams
Williams, James Ray 09-29-1944 04-02-2019 Fairview
Williams, James T.  06-05-1885   10-30-1968   Mt. Pleasant - Hus. of Nona Williams
Williams, James W.  1898   1973   Mt. Pleasant - Hus. of Nancy Hatton Williams
Williams, Jerry 03-06-1896   09-08-1989   Carroll
Williams, Jerry 08-09-1940 08-09-2020 Oaklawn Memorial Park - Hus. of Sue Smith Williams
Williams, Jerry 06-30-1953 06-19-2023 Cremation - Hus. of Annie Winn
Williams, Jessie L.  03-02-1909   12-16-1945 Johnson-Fellowship - Texas Pvt. Air Corp
Williams, Jimmy  02-23-1891   03-20-1928   White Rock
Williams, Joaquin  05-16-1882   07-26-1884   Liberty/Ashton Hill
Williams, Joe  1866   1956   White Rock
Williams, Joe T.  08-14-1893   05-26-1951   Mt. Olive
Williams, Joe Travis 06-25-1931 07-21-2018 Cremation - Hus. of Alvie Ruth Rhodes Williams
Williams, John  1864   1954   New Hope
Williams, John A.  09-20-1847   01-14-1921   Mt. Pleasant -
Williams, John Allen  02-25-1963   10-20-1994   Jackson
Williams, John Clinton  08-29-1939   10-20-1984   Jackson
Williams, John Thomas  04-22-1880   12-21-1947 Johnson-Fellowship
Williams, Johnny Erwin 1949?? 12-06-2022 Rather-Black
Williams, Johnny Henry 1950? 06-07-2016 Cremation
Williams, Joseph H.  09/05/1917 02/03/1975 Tenaha-City - Pfc US Army WWII
Williams, Joseph John  1884 1934 Tenaha-City
Williams, Joseph Lee 04-06-1976 05-08-2020 Cremation - Hus. of Erin Williams
Williams, Josephine Z.  08-22-1842   04-01-1867   Rather - Wife of G.M. Williams
Williams, Juanetha Ophelia "Jo"  1938 1997 Oaklawn Memorial Park - w/o Melvin Coy Williams, m. 04-19-1953
Williams, Junie  1866   1933   White Rock
Williams, Junior Lee 04-13-1949 10-23-2023 Carroll - Hus. of Josephone Dickerson Williams
Williams, K. P.  10-16-1888   04-28-1958   Mt. Pleasant - Husb of Lizzie Williams
Williams, Katherine A.  10-11-1901   12-15-1971 Johnson-Fellowship
Williams, Kaufman "K. P.", Jr. 06-18-1929 05-01-2012 Oaklawn - h/o Hazel Dean Williams
Williams, Kim 07-01-1959 04-14-2023 New Hope
Williams, L. Estell  12-23-1910   06-01-1911   White Rock
Williams, L. H. "Sweet"  02-12-1911 09-19-1977 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Amanda Lucille Williams
Williams, L. Harry  08-14-1925 - Sardis - Hus. of Erma L. Williams, m. 06-03-1946
Williams, L. J. Bill  01-26-1920   10-28-1980   Mt. Olive
Williams, L. W. "Jack"  04-28-1916   03-24-1974   Latham
Williams, L.T.  12-17-2003 05-22-2003 Westview - Husb of Anna Ruth Williams
Williams, Larry, Sr. 09-25-1949 01-28-2006 Mt. Olive
Williams, Lee  03-15-1885   12-18-1929   Mt. Olive
Williams, Lee Autry 1941?? 12-31-2017 Blount
Williams, Lena Bogue  03-26-1914   03-27-1991   Woodlawn - Wife of Robert Lee Williams
Williams, Lena M.  09-22-1921   09-18-2021 Smyrna-Timpson - Wife of Richard Williams, Sr.
Williams, Leroy  02/02/1914 12/23/1940 Price-Lone Cedar
Williams, Letha S.  1901 - Mt. Herman 
Williams, Liddie     11-30-1865   01-10-1919   Liberty/Ashton Hill
Williams, Liddie  1893   1977   Mt. Olive
Williams, Lillie  01-15-1891   01-30-1968   White Rock
Williams, Lillie Faye 10-24-1929 08-06-2019 Oaklawn Memorial Park - Wife of R. F. Williams
Williams, Lillie Bolden  10/13/1898 09/20/1981 New Hope-Timpson
Williams, Lizzie    04-29-1900   10-14-1922   Joaquin
Williams, Lizzie  03-13-1894   01-23-1927   Mt. Pleasant - Wife of K.P. Williams
Williams, Lizzie  09-17-1886   11-09-1966   Mt. Olive
Williams, Lizzie A. 04/11/1874 11/06/1879 May - dau of T. J. & E.A. Williams
Williams, Lola J.  1896   1934   Fairview
Williams, Lorena  1892   1935   Woodlawn - Wife of Jack Williams
Williams, Lorena  11-07-1920 08-23-1993 Oaklawn Memorial Park - w/o T. J. Williams
Williams, Lucille  03-27-1907   04-17-1968   Mt. Olive
Williams, Lula  03-22-1885   08-27-1937   Mt. Olive
Williams, M. C. "Bill"  08-19-1913   01-31-1975   Jackson
Williams, M. E.  04-30-1839   06-01-1914   Mt. Olive
Williams, M. S.  02-02-1838   09-03-1904   Woodlawn
Williams, Mable 05-12-1922 03-06-2010 Pleasant Grove - Wife of Furman Williams
Williams, Mae Bell  06-08-1924   04-05-1992   Westview
Williams, Mae Ruth  04-28-1922 12-19-1993 Oaklawn Memorial Park 
Williams, Malcom  09-20-1902 04-17-1955 Sardis
Williams, Mana  03-02-1875   11-07-1953   Jackson
Williams, Marceil D.  1930   1988   Mt. Olive - Married--09-30-1950
Williams, Marcelle  05-19-1919   10-16-2003  White Rock
Williams, Margie  10-27-1930   -   West Hamilton
Williams, Marion Walter (Red)  10-24-1924 06-11-2004 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Era Maxine Dean Williams
Williams, Mart V.  1869   1948   Jackson
Williams, Martha Ann  09-27-1962   02-07-1920   Woodlawn
Williams, Martha F.  1872   1950   Mt. Pleasant - Wife of R.A. Williams
Williams, Martha Lou  02-26-1874   01-26-1908   Jackson
Williams, Marvin  06-09-1909   09-20-1995 Smyrna-Timpson - Hus. of Pearl L. Williams
Williams, Mary  1881 1888 Oates 
Williams, Mary  09-19-1914   11-16-1999   Pine Ridge
Williams, Mary  10-27-1913   07-19-1962   Westview
Williams, Mary  06-10-1866   04-13-1925   White Rock
Williams, Mary  12-17-1886   05-30-1904   Woodlawn
Williams, Mary  05-28-1928 11-01-2000 Thompson-Black
Williams, Mary Anna  02-07-1880   09-28-1880 Bethel - dau.of J.M.& G.E. Williams 
Williams, Mary Boniol  01-31-1946 01-19-2000 Fairview - Wife of James Williams
Williams, Mary Etta Bogard  04/17/1883 01/22/1974 Tenaha-City
Williams, Mary Jane  04-30-1849   08-03-1927 Johnson-Fellowship
Williams, Mary L.  1914 1999 Oaklawn Memorial Park - w/o George W. Williams
Williams, Mary Perkins  1890   1976 Neuville
Williams, Matthew "Boss"  03/04/1889 01/05/1964 Tenaha-City
Williams, Mattie A. 1877   1971   Jackson
Williams, Mattie Iona   10-27-1888   09-02-1944   Jackson
Williams, Mattie Jordan  1986 1986 Bennett Chapel
Williams, Mattie Lee  05-06-1922   02-05-1934   Mt. Pleasant - -
Williams, Mavis L.  09-26-1930 05-26-2005 Mt. Herman 
Williams, Melba 07-29-1929 07-07-2021 Oaklawn Memorial Park - w/o Buck Williams
Williams, Melvin Coy  02-21-1932 02-08-2022 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Juanetha Ophelia "Jo" Williams
Williams, Mildred  04-06-1915   -   Jackson
Williams, Mildred Jacobs  01-01-1914 01-09-2005 Oaklawn Memorial Park - w/o Edgar L. "Pete" Williams
Williams, Minnie A.  12-08-1876 12-13-1889 Sardis
Williams, Mitchell 03-01-1958 06-05-2006 Strong - Husb of Harmon R. F. Williams, Jr.
Williams, Mollie  01-27-1860   06-06-1914   Liberty/Ashton Hill - Wife of S. W. Williams
Williams, Mona Jean   -   06-09-1933   Jackson
Williams, Mose, Jr. 1905 1984 Bennett Chapel
Williams, Mother Laura S.  03-05-1913   04-05-1982   Westview
Williams, Myrtie Lou Bass  03-30-1929   05-02-2021 Strong - Wife of Bobby Williams
Williams, N. E. Peace  02-12-1889   12-26-1908   Mt. Pleasant - Wife of J.T. Williams
Williams, N. Venear  12-04-1898   -   White Rock
Williams, Nancy  1901   1983   Mt. Pleasant - Wife of James W. Williams
Williams, Nancy A.  04-07-1886   02-22-1899 Bethel
Williams, Nancy E.  03-10-1832   02-22-1901   Mt. Olive - Wife of R.I. Williams
Williams, Narcissa Ann Smotherman 07-09-1848 01-01-1917 Brookland - From Shelby County Civil War
Williams, Nathaniel K.  07-10-1976 03-29-2001 Oaklawn Memorial Park - Pfc., U.S. Army
Williams, Nell E.  1910 1999 Oaklawn Memorial Park - w/o F. L. "Foxie" Williams 
Williams, Nell Wright 07-12-1946 08-03-2008 Old Salem - Wife of Brian Williams
Williams, Nellie Mae 1941   1998   Burden Field
Williams, Nera Elda Williams   1912   2006   Jackson
Williams, Neva 02-22-1876   08-20-1957   Brookland
Williams, Nona  03-27-1894   12-29-1978   Mt. Pleasant - Wife of James T. Williams
Williams, Nora Elaine Stelzer 08-26-1946 05-22-2020 Williams - Wife of Thomas Edgar Williams
Williams, Nora E.  1882   1964   Ramah
Williams, Norman  09-11-1918 04-7-2005 Mt. Herman 
Williams, Norris  03-11-1926   10-12-1982   Thompson-Black
Williams, Norris, Jr.   1952   1996   Thompson-Black
Williams, Ola Mae Williams 11/23/1895 04/21/1962 Tenaha-City
Williams, Oliver  1945   1991   East Liberty
Williams, Oliver George  12-30-1952 06-29-2004 Old Salem - Hus. of Beverly Williams
Williams, Oma Lee  09-17-1923   10-10-1986   Strong
Williams, Oran     10/01/1921 11/07/1979 Borders
Williams, Otto  1911   1915   White Rock
Williams, P. (K.P.) Kaufman  6-18-1929 - Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Hazel Dean Williams
Williams, P. J.  01-21-1867   01-16-1940   Jackson
Williams, Patrick Bouvier  07-28-1967   09-03-1979   Westview
Williams, Pauline L. 03-11-1930 07-29-2013 Restland - Wife of Virgil Williams
Williams, Pauline Stack  01-05-1917   12-23-1995   Mt. Pleasant - Wife of James Doyal Williams
Williams, Pearl L. 05-01-1902 08-13-1975 Smyrna-Timpson - Wife of Marvin Williams
Williams, Peggy Sue 09-23-1943 07-22-2017 Sardis - Wife of Johnny Williams
Williams, Pete  1893 1979 Joaquin-Black
Williams, Pollie 1890   1921   Carroll
Williams, Porter 04-08-1900 10-06-1948 Smyrna-Timpson - Son of Bill & Sarah Williams
Williams, Precious 1921 01-15-2012 Bobo
Williams, Quinteen G. 12-22-1919 2000 Blair
Williams, R.  - 1986 Oaklawn Memorial Park 
Williams, R. A.  1849   1929   Mt. Pleasant - Hus. of Martha F. Williams
Williams, R. F.  1925 1996 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Faye Williams
Williams, R. L.  06-24-1916 09-12-1990 Smith-James  - PFC US ARMY WWII
Williams, R. M.  09-15-1855   07-05-1909   Mt. Pleasant - Wife of John Williams
Williams, R. T.  08-22-1914   02-22-1993   Westview
Williams, R. W.  09-11-1948   02-01-1949   White Rock
Williams, R. B.  01-02-1916 05-24-2000 White Rock
Williams, Randolph 04-28-1969 01-13-2018 White Rock
Williams, Ray D.    07-10-1922   07-11-1944   Jackson - SC 3, U.S. Navy, WW II
Williams, Rayford  10-07-1922 10-30-1951 Sardis - TEXAS T SGT 98 SIGNAL BN WWII
Williams, Richard 06-12-1909   12-12-1985   Burden Field
Williams, Richard     -   -   Liberty/Ashton Hill
Williams, Richard Gene  10-25-1922   11-29-1986   Smyrna-Timpson - Tec. 4, U.S. Army, WW II
Williams, Richard, Sr.   08-31-1918   12-10-1984   Smyrna-Timpson - Hus. of Lena M. Williams
Williams, Riley  1914   05-22-1997 Johnson-Fellowship
Williams, Robert  1886 1888 Oates
Williams, Robert 1927 07-07-1928 Pickering Switch - Son of Charlie Williams
Williams, Robert J.  10-03-1922 09-26-1971 Sardis - Texas SM2, U.S. Navy, WW II
Williams, Robert Lee  10-23-1910   05-03-1974   Woodlawn - Hus. of Lena Bogue Williams, Pvt., U.S. Army
Williams, Robert Lee  05-27-1945 05-27-1945 Smith-James 
Williams, Roderick LaShunn   07-05-1966   07-17-1971   Carroll
Williams, Rosetta 01-02-1918   02-21-1975   Burden Field
Williams, Roy Talmage  12-09-1903   07-12-1905   Mt. Olive - Son of Mr. & Mrs. W.F. Williams
Williams, Royce Lee 03-28-1950 03-28-2014 Smith-James
Williams, Ruby  1910   1991   Strong
Williams, Ruby M.    08-19-1894   09-27-1971   Jackson - Married to Hulon P. Williams, 08-17-1911, Child: Arvin, Arnold, Murel, Hugh
Williams, Ruth Elizabeth Neel  08-30-1909   02-05-2000   Tennessee
Williams, Ruthie Mae    05-10-1913   12-28-1980   Carroll
Williams, S. H.  10-11-1912 05-18-2004 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Mae Williams
Williams, Sallie  - 06-04-2002 Mt. Herman - Age 83
Williams, Sam H. ?   1943   Carroll
Williams, Sammy Lee 01-02-1941 11-02-2012 Westview - Hus. of Imogean Daniels Williams
Williams, Samuel Emmett  1892   1965   Fairview
Williams, Samuel J.  07-29-1865   10-28-1903   Mt. Olive
Williams, Sarah Ethadore  02-23-1863   07-09-1924   Jackson
Williams, Shirley Marie Collins 10-17-1935 03-13-2014 Bennett Chapel
Williams, Shorty "Daddy"  02/20/1913 02/11/1961 Tenaha-City
Williams, Sibyl  03-14-1920   12-08-1996   New Prospect
Williams, Skylar Shea 05-17-2006 05-17-2006 Powdrill - Infant of Stephen and Tonya Williams
Williams, Sophia 10-26-1925 - Smyrna-Timpson - Dau. of Marvin & Mary Williams
Williams, Sophie Tallyn 10-29-2015 11-26-2015 Cremation - Dau. of Taylor Ray & Whitney Cantrell Williams
Williams, Stella Faye 09-16-1950 03-02-2009 Westview
Williams, Sudie W. 11-18-1873   04-15-1913   Carroll - Wife of Evert Williams
Williams, T. J.  12/09/1850 02/06/1893 May
Williams, T. J.  08-08-1923 02-04-2005 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Lorena Williams
Williams, Tethe L.  06-02-1894   11-04-1977   Westview
Williams, Theouley  09-04-1928   03-09-1989   Thompson-Black
Williams, Thomas A.  02/13/1879 10/27/1879 May - son of T. J. & E.A. Williams
Williams, Thomas Edgar 08-29-1947 05-01-2016 Williams - Hus. of Nora Williams
Williams, Thomas J.  01/05/1866 05/29/1955 Price-Lone Cedar
Williams, Thomas N. 09-02-1890   11-30-1944   Jackson
Williams, Thomas, Dr,. 08-13-1868   11-04-1928   White Rock - Husb. of Venorah Williams
Williams, Tom  06-06-1888   04-30-1973   White Rock
Williams, Tommie Deloris 12-28-1954 11-04-2014 Oaklawn Memorial Park
Williams, Travis D.  1898   1932   Woodlawn
Williams, Turner  10-08-1907   01-16-1945   Mt. Olive - Son of Mr. & Mrs. W.F. Williams
Williams, Turner D.  02-13-1913   02-01-1941   Mt. Olive - Texas Pfc., 1CL, 19 Inf.
Williams, Vallie  12-11-1899   06-05-1985   Mt. Pleasant - Wife of Fred Thomas Williams
Williams, Velma 01-06-1906   01-16-2000 Carroll
Williams, Velton N  1925   1939   Mt. Olive
Williams, Venorah Anne  06-19-1876   01-23-1931   White Rock
Williams, Vernon Clinton 06-10-1969 05-15-2019 Jackson
Williams, Veta McCann 08-31-1919 08-15-1987 Jackson - Married J. W. Williams 12/23/1944
Williams, Vicky Lynn 10-23-1949 10-22-2007 Woodlawn
Williams, Virgil B.  03-31-1921   02-10-1936   Mt. Olive - Texas Pfc., Co. E, 413 Infantry, WW II & BSM
Williams, Virgil Walter 09-25-1936 05-05-2020 Restland - Hus. of Pauline L. Williams
Williams, W. D.  09-11-1863   10-10-1913   Strong - Husb. of Nancie E. Williams
Williams, W. F. "Will"  12-12-1880   12-25-1953   Mt. Olive
Williams, W. K. (Shorty)  1906   1988   New Hope
Williams, W. Lee  03-15-1881   08-30-1940   White Rock
Williams, W. M. "Buck", Jr. 12-21-1923 08-26-2014 Oaklawn Memorial Park - Hus. of Melba Grimsley Williams
Williams, W. P.  11-04-1860   02-26-1903   Woodlawn
Williams, W. Rayl  07-06-1924   11-06-1984   Mt. Olive
Williams, W. T.     06-20-1887   12-15-1891   Liberty/Ashton Hill
Williams, W. T.  04-04-1883   12-05-1942   White Rock
Williams, W. T.  09-11-1876   07-27-1897 Bethel
Williams, Walter M.  01-02-1895 12-24-1960 Oaklawn Memorial Park - h/o Willie Ada Williams, Texas PVT CO B 25 MACHINE GUN BN WWI 
Williams, Walter P.  1895   1903   White Rock - Son of J. & A. Williams
Williams, Whitson  01-02-1905   01-02-1976   Mt. Olive
Williams, William Allen  07-29-1857   06-30-1939   Jackson
Williams, William H.  10/05/1919 06/20/1973 Tenaha-City - TEC 5 US Army WWI
Williams, William I. 09-??-1836 06-19-1903 Johnson-Fellowship -  Co H. Tex. Inf CSA  
Williams, Willie Ada  1898 1984 Oaklawn Memorial Park - w/o Walter M. Williams
Williams, Winnie  07-21-1876   01-29-1892 Johnson-Fellowship
Williams, Wm.  06-02-1818   11-05-1892   White Rock
Williams, Zebbie  1889   1949   Mt. Olive
Williams, Zula V. Shillings 1897 1982 Antioch -