Tidbits of Shelby County History
Hot off the Press

This week’s Tidbit is a little different. As many may realize by now, I love reading old newspaper articles. I love the language used, every little news in the county made the “Newspaper”.  If you are interested in history and family genealogy so much can be found in reading newspapers, one of my favorite hobbies. Most of the articles in this week’s Tidbit was found in The Champion and I have included when the paper was printed and where it can now be found online.  Enjoy


The Champion, Center, Texas newspaper

Vol. 40, No. 29, Ed. 1 Wednesday, July 18, 1917, Page: 5 of 12

To Resident Soda Water Customers.

            In the past we have been delivering soda water, in cases, to resident customers for 60 cents per case and Coca cola, per case at 70 cents. Beginning tomorrow, July 19, the price will be changed to 70 and 80 cents per case, respectively.           Center Bottling Works

Twelve Pages This Week.

            To take care of the general run of business this week and the list of drafted names, The Champion gives its readers 12 pages. It is every bit good reading matter and cost no more than the regular issue. Extra copies will be 5 cents each.

Page 4

Volunteers Leave for Houston Monday.

            Responding to the solicitation of Private Garrett, here last week seeking recruits for the National Guard, some thirteen enlisted from this place. It is said that seventeen went from Tenaha, though we have been unable to get the names. The following names from this community were furnished The Champion by Mr. Garrett, and we presume that they all left Monday afternoon as planned. Too they will have to take the examination at Houston and what proportion of them that will pass cannot be reported at this time:

            Jewell Green, Davi Arnold, J.M. Childress, J.M. Guolliams, Otis Ariola, Aaron Sample, Ernest King, Andrew Johnson, W.W. Waldon, Lucky Pleasant, Jewell Harrison.

Mrs. Bud McNaughton died near Dallas last Wednesday and the remains were interred either at Dallas or McKinney. She had been suffering for some time with consumption. The deceased was reared in this county and has three sisters and two brothers residing in this community. The Champion extends to them sympathy.


The Champion, Center, Texas newspaper

Vol. 40, No. 29, Ed. 1 Wednesday, July 18, 1917, Page: 1 of 12

            With more than nine weeks of dry weather in this immediate vicinity and no rain prospects in sight, this July 14, makes some people have long faces and feel blue. It makes business dull and hurts in many ways. But it is not as bad as it might be. This country recovers fast. It can be ruined one day and blooming the next. Remember how "ruined" we were when the August flood of 1915 came. Remember that we were not ruined near so bad. A little reflection will make a fellow feel better.

            While the law violation in this county is not so bad, not over the normal for a county of this population, yet there are some misdemeanors and some felony violations that are very undesirable. One of these is the selling of whiskey-or bootlegging business. The sheriff's department, and the county attorney are doing everything that they can to put this kind of business on the past record. They have, since the last grand jury, secured a number of cases where indictments will be prosecuted and placed in the hands of a jury for final determination as the punishment to be made. In this the offices certainly should have the co-operation of the public for in the opinion of The Champion, there can be no more undesirable practice in a community than to peddle liquor. For years the sovereign voters of this county have said by their ballot that intoxicating liquors shall not be sold in the county; the law have been to the end of carrying out this declaration; officers are elected to enforce it and after all the work of the people, many of the guilty ones have been set free by the suspended sentence route or the pardon route. To give the officers support in every channel will strengthen the fear of the offender and will assist greatly in doing away with this law violation.

Commissioners' Court Proceedings.

            Quarterly report of Perkins Wilson covering the period he served as Justice of the Peace of Precinct No. 8, examined, and approved.

            On this the 9th day of July, 1917, came L.M. Cook, president of the Board of Police Jurors of the Parish of DeSoto, State of Louisiana, also came P.H.G. Bell, the Mayor of the City of Logansport, La., together with a delegation of citizens of Logansport, and made the following offer: That whereas, the City of Logansport, La. is the lawful owner of the wagon bridge crossing the Sabine River at Logansport, La., is desirous of presenting the parish of DeSoto and the County of Shelby the bridge above referred to, which is free from all debts, if said Shelby County and DeSoto parish will accept the said bridge and keep the same in repair for the convenience of the public. Moved by B.H. Munnerlyn that Shelby County accept the proposition; lost for the want of a second.

            It is ordered by the court that the Civil Engineer from Shelby County and DeSoto parish, together with a commissioner from each, meet between this and the next term of this court to report upon the condition of said bridge and that the matter of acceptance be, and is hereby postponed until the next regular meeting of this court.

            Bud McKenzie was appointed trustee of Myrtle Springs Common School District to take the place of J.D. Pate resigned.



The Champion. (Center, Tex.), Vol. 39, No. [50], Ed. 1 Wednesday, December 13, 1916 Page: 6 of 14

A Tangible Asset

            One of the tangible assets of Center is the Pickering Lumber Company. More money is being disbursed here by that Company than by any other enterprise employing labor. For instance, this week, Manager Bates has been advertising for fifty additional teams to haul lumber from the Bridges Mill to the Planning Mill in Center and for which a price of three dollars per thousand feet was offered. Thus, an ordinary team of two mules or horses are enabled to earn from five to seven dollars per day, hauling lumber, and quite a number of idle teams have been put on the work.

            A few more enterprises as big as Pickering would put Center well to the front as an industrial center.

The Champion. (Center, Tex.), Vol. 39, No. [50], Ed. 1 Wednesday, December 13, 1916, Page: 7 of 14

Shelbyville Street.

            The rains of last Thursday and Friday afforded our people an opportunity to observe the value of Shelbyville Street. No wagons or buggies or autos traveled the other streets leading to the depot. Everybody patronizedShelbyville Street and even the pedestrians braved the dangers of speeding automobilesin order to be sure of a dry footing and walked "in the middle of the road." Every day we are reminded of the wisdom of the City Dads in having that piece of first-class road built.

Notice to the Public.

            Hereafter I will not sell lumber or shingles on time. Strictly cash on the spot or no sales, so bring your pocketbook when you want lumber or shingles.
C.A. Manning, Center, Texas.

New Citizens.

            Drs. W.H. and W.M. Warren of Joaquin have moved with their families, to Center, and will make this their home. Both families, for the present, are domiciled in the Harkrider House, just off San Augustine Street. These most excellent people will receive a hearty welcome to Center, and the doctors will no doubt be accorded a liberal share of the public's medical patronage.



The Champion. (Center, Tex.), Vol. 39, No. [50], Ed. 1 Wednesday, December 13, 1916 Page: 10 of 14


            This is to notify all road overseers in my precinct that I shall expect every road overseer to put in full time on the respective road under his supervision and to see that every man subject to road duty on his division has also put in full time on said road, and that said road overseer have his report ready for the February term of the Commissioners Court of this county, showing that everyone hand has put in full time (six days) and eight hours each day.

            If the said report is not made, each overseer failing to do so, will be dealt with according to law.  R.H. Munnerlyn County Commissioner, and Officio Road Commissioner and Overseer of Precinct No. 2, in Shelby County, Texas.