Tidbits of Shelby County History
Independence Day and Ole Glory

For this week’s Tidbits of Shelby County History, I thought I would share some information on the beginning of Independence Day and the flag. The information regarding the traditions of July 4th was taken from several sites on the website. The information on the American flag was from an earlier article that I shared on Tidbits. Enjoy!

Independence Day, is the annual celebration of nationhood. The holiday celebrates the Second Continental Congress' unanimous adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, a document announcing the colonies' separation from Great Britain. The Fourth of July is Americana at its core. From 1776 to the present day, July 4th has been celebrated as the birth of American independence, with festivities ranging from fireworks, parades and concerts to more casual family gatherings and barbecues. In 1870, the U.S. Congress made July 4th a federal holiday; in 1941, the provision was expanded to grant a paid holiday to all federal employees.

The Congress had voted in favor of independence from Great Britain on July 2 but did not actually complete the process of revising the Declaration of Independence, originally drafted by Thomas Jefferson in consultation with fellow committee members John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and William Livingston, until two days later. The celebration was initially modeled on that of the king’s birthday, which had been marked annually by bell ringing, bonfires, solemn processions, and oratory.

The most common symbol of the holiday is the American flag, and a common musical accompaniment is “The Star-Spangled Banner,” the national anthem of the United States.

What do you think of when you see the flag of the United States of America? What feelings does it conjure? Does it bring to mind any specific memories? What does it mean to our country? The United States flag represents so much of what America means, and its symbolism runs deep in its history. One of the main reasons we honor the flag is to pay respect to our country and the liberties that we enjoy here, which means paying respect to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.  The flag represents the freedom, dignity, and true meaning of being an American. It is a living piece of history and a source of pride and unity for all Americans. The Flag is a mirror, reflecting to each person his own ideals and dreams. It is history. It is a ribbon of honor for those who have served it well—in peace and war. It is a warning not to detour from the long road that has brought our country and its people to prosperity and happiness. Since Saturday is the Fourth of July, I thought I would share some information about our American flag.

Some people call me, the flag, Old Glory. Others call me the Star-Spangled Banner, but whatever you call me, I am your flag, the flag of the United States of America. I used to be honored but am I still honored today? We are here today because men and women in the early days of our country fought for the freedoms so many take for granted. Our ancestors fought for the ideals of freedom and liberty. The flag is a mirror, reflecting the ideals and dreams of each person here today. It should be a mark of pride in a great word—the word “American”.

I don’t feel as proud as I used to. When I pass by do you stand and salute or just stand there with your hands in your pocket? Do I get a glance, then you look away or do some of you take a knee?  People don’t seem to know who I am. Is it a sin to be patriotic? Have you forgotten what I stand for and where I’ve been? Remember Anzio, Normandy, Omaha Beach, Guadalcanal, Korea, the jungles of Vietnam, the sand of Afghanistan and Kuwait.  Look at the names of those who never came back in order to keep this nation free. When you salute me, you are actually saluting them.

Americans by the millions pledge their allegiance to our flag. Do we understand the true meaning of these words or is it just some kind of meaningless verbiage?
The author of the Pledge of the Allegiance was Frances Bellamy, a Baptist minister in Little Falls, New York. The pledge was first used on October 21, 1892.
I pledge allegiance (promise to be true. This signifies national sovereignty to the flag of the United States (flag is something visible and tangible, representing our country to its people and to the rest of the world. White signifies purity and innocence. Red: hardiness and valor. Blue: vigilance, perseverance and justice.” The stripes represent the original 13 Colonies and the stars represent the 50 states of the Union.) of America and to the republic for which it stands (a Republican form of government as distinct from a Democracy. The main difference between a republic and a democracy is the form by which the people are represented). One nation under God (founders firmly believed and openly proclaimed that man’s basic rights to life, liberty and property are God-given rights, and not the grant of government. Our Nation began as a government of laws, not of men), indivisible (we are a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States), with liberty and justice for all (Liberty is personal and internal; freedom is external and has to do with society in general.  Justice, according to Noah Webster, is the “virtue which consists in giving to everyone what is his due.” This definition calls for both law and equity. Laws are the rules we live by day after day. Equity is fair play for all.)