VOLUME 1 - NUMBER 3 | DECEMBER 15, 1946 | |
CHRISTMAS The real meaning of Christmas, to a large extent has been forgotten. In many places throughout the world, presents are exchanged. In other places, dances are given to celebrate Christmas. Let us go back to the lowly manger in Bethlehem where the first Christmas day was marked. It was there that Christ was born to Mary. There was no room for Mary and Joseph in the Inn. Once again Americans plan to celebrate Christmas. Today more than ever before, we need the healing influences of the spirit of Christmas, that season of "Peace on Earth, good will toward men." In these trying time, it is supremely important for the welfare of our country and the whole world to keep alive the real meaning of Christmas. Recognizing the dismaying signs of the Anti-Christ, the good citizens of America will never forget the real holiday meaning, and will continue hope for Divine Guidance and the courage and strength to stand firm through the spirit of hatred and war that is raging in other countries. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS According to as recent announcement from Mr. Moffett, school will close, Friday, December 20. Classes will resume Thursday, January 2, 1947. Mr. Moffett and the "Roundup" staff want to wish everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS. ===================================== SANTA CLAUS Was there ever a wider of more loving conspiracy than that which keeps the venerable figure of Santa Claus from slipping away, with all the other old-time myths, into the forsaken wonderland of the past? Of all the personages whose marvelous doing once filled the minds of men, he alone survives. He has outlived all the great gods, and all the impressive and poetic conceptions which once filtered between heaven and earth; these have gone, but Santa Claus remains by virtue of a common understanding that childhood shall not be despoiled o of one of its most cherished beliefs, either by the mythologists, with his sun myth theory, or the scientist with his heartless diatribe against superstition. He who does not see in the legend of Santa Clause a beautiful faith on one side, and the naive embodiment of divine fact on the other, is not fit to have a place at the Christmas Board. For him there should be neither carol, nor holly, nor mistletoe; they only shall keep the feast to whom all these things are but the outward and visible signs of the inward and spiritual grace. By Grace W. Mabie in MY STUDY FIRE
===================================== ACTIVITIES Center Roughriders defeated the San Augustine Wolves 19 - 6. It was the last game of the season. Both teams played good football, and in the third quarter, it looked as if the riders were in for a hard battle, but the Wolves touchdown pass was called back because some riders were off sides. This gave the riders a good break. Two Center backs, Johnny Allen and Kinch Koonce were still not able to play in last game of the season. The Riders' full team will be back next year with exceptions of Kenneth Baucum, Bobby Stewart, James Schofner, and Bertie Koonce. The Wolves played better offensive game than defensive. San Augustine made the longest run-made a touchdown by ????. The Riders will be ready for the season of '47. F.F.A. NEWS The Center Chapter of Future Farmers have elected these officers for the following year: President...............................................James Barbe First Vice President.........................J.R. Covington Second Vice President............................Royce Holt Third Vice President.....................Dorman Edison Secretary.........................................Charles Wilson Treasurer..........................................Bobby Browley Reporter..............................................Harley Burris Parliamentarian....................................Bill Fincher Sentinel.................................................Robert Reese Gong Leader....................................Donice Scruggs Band Director....................................Alden L. Warr Historian.............................................Harold Oswalt We are looking forward to a very profitable year of Future Farmer work. **** "LATINA PAUCI" PARTY The Latina Pauci was entertained with a candy party in the home of Mrs. Menefee Friday, November 22. With the exception of one member the entire class was present and enjoyed the evening making candy. As Sunday was Kathleen's birthday the class, to her surprise, presented her with a present. After we had eaten the candy the class went home thanking Mrs. Menefee for a delightful evening. ====================================== MISS HEART THROB Dear Miss Heart Throb There is a certain boy in my geometry class in whom I am very interested. I think he likes me, but is so bashful that he won't admit the truth. Please help me; I am getting desperate! Sincerely, Discouraged. After thinking about your problem for a reasonable length of time, I have decided that you should become a geometry genius; then maybe this certain boy will need some help. Brains count, you know. Miss Heart Throb Dear Miss Heart Throb I am so worried I can't even sleep at night for thinking how Harley Burris has been treating me. I have been crazy about him for a long time and would give anything to have a date with him. But all he thinks of and talks about is Ann Rogers and Virginia Palmer. Please tell me what I can do to win Harley by Christmas. "Tucker" Holt. If you really want Harley Burris for Christmas, just slip old Santa a five spot, and I'm sure he will be promptly delivered to you on time. Miss Heart Throb. This is one of the many interesting letters I have received recently-- need I say more. Attention girls!!! This fellow is a very smooth person and very lovable. Take my word for it -- you'll like him!! Miss Heart Throb. Dear Miss Heart Throb Since I cannot get a sweetheart and other way will you spread the information around. I am 5' 4", 17 years old, fairly good-looking and I am very eligible. Tommy Fontaine P.S. Contact me at school or after school hours: Box 789, Telephone 438-J-1 =============================== CAMPUS CHATTER What is this I hear about Wilburn cleaning the skating floor free. Well, not exactly free. It cost him two pairs of pants. **** Well, looks as if Dollie has taken over where Mary Jean left off. At least as far as James Paul is concerned. **** Wait!!! Who is this senior band student that wore her long flannels to the Carthage parade December 3; It couldn't be Miss C.H.S.? **** Although it may not be know by many, we have in the senior classes group of girls now classed as J. D.'s. **** Worrying about Dodie (Dolores Bolton from Orange) kept Smitty up all night Saturday. **** There seems to be at times a shortage of parking space near Mr. Perry's cane patch in San Augustine County. **** Jack McLendon was injured Wednesday, November 27, by the propeller of the airplane on which he was working. A faulty ignition system was apparently the cause of the accident. We wish him a speedy recovery. **** Have you heard Uva Dell Metcalf was told by her man, Therman Golden that she would look very cute with a little blue apron and her in an upsweep? **** Although Anna Faye Permenter yelled for Center her heart was really for number "20" on Jasper's team; looks like she really had something there. **** Rumors are flying and no one's denying that wedding bells have rung for the DeWitt of C.H.S. **** We've been wondering why the boys that live at James wait until the last minute to ask girls for a date. Could they be timid? **** The race between Harris, Faulk, Gunnels is still going on. Ann is chasing Left, Lefty is chasing Betty and Betty is just running. **** Oh, Mr. Sam! We've solved the problem of why Mary Whitside and Sybil Martin can't understand anything in the sixth period geometry class. The reason is: Their is always over in Timpson and what good is a heart without a mind? **** ==================================== THE LONG AND SHORT OF IT
While visiting the zoo, Mr. Eddins saw a baby deer. Its, Keeper stood near by. "What kind of animal is that?" asked Mr. Eddins. "You mean you don't know?" the keeper replied. "What does your wife call you every morning?" "Say, "exclaimed Mr. Eddins, you don't mean to tell me that's a skunk." **** Question--"If you have a mother duck, a daddy duck, and a baby box, what would you have?" Answer-- "A box of quackers." Question-- "Why is a school room like an old Model T?" Answer-- "There's an old crank in the front and lot of nuts in the back. **** Anne: "Mother do men ever go to heaven. I never see any pictures of angels with whiskers." Mother: "Some do, but they get there by a close shave." **** "Tommy", said Mr. Sam "What is one-fourth and one -fourth." "I don't know." replied Tommy, "but it isn't enough to worry about" **** Sue Ann: "My egg is cold; is yours?" Ben Adams: "Yes, I wonder why." Sue Ann: "I guess I made a mistake and boiled them in cold water. **** Yvonne Harris: "Teacher, you can't blame me for something I didn't do, can you?" Mrs. Woolley: "Certainly not. What didn't you do?" Yvonne Harris: " My homework." **** Mr. Sam: "When was the revival of learning?" Johnnie Beth Harris: " Just before exams." **** Dear Sir: Please send me a dicss.. Please send me a ditc. Please me a book that tells me how to spell. Sincerely, Ben Adams. **** Mr. Bush (giving lesson on the law of gravity): "I want you all to understand that it is the law of gravity that keeps us on earth." Bonnie Jacobs: "How did we stay on earth before the law was passed?" ===================================
GREETINGS Do you remember or by any chance know that Today is Christmas and it's suppose to snow? Do you wish for a white Christmas and for sleight bells that ring? Or do you want to hear someone the Christmas carols sing? Is your heart lonely or do you feel a glow of great happiness,? Or is it that Christmas that you had so long ago that you miss? Whatever the case may be, whenever the day is done, May you have joy and happiness paid to you by the ton. MARCH OF DIMES GREETINGS-1946 The annual March of Dimes Drive opened with enthusiasm on December 5, when the class president announced the national drive. Center High School expect to participate one hundred percent in this worthy cause.
============================= MONEY! MONEY! MONEY Perhaps the most pleasant sound that can be heard by teen-ager's ears is that of money jingling in their pockets. Everyone has a certain fondness for money, and whether the amount of money you have is large or small, you can get a maximum amount of happiness from it by learning to handle it wisely. It is reported that the people of the U.S. will, during 1946, earn approximately 160 billion dollars. According to nationwide surveys, high school students are earning a large share of this money, which they spend for such things as clothes, insurance, music lessons, and doctor bills. Luxuries such as records, movies, and refreshments take a large amount of their earnings. Over fifty percent of these teen-agers are ardent savers. Most boys save between $1.68 and $2.65 weekly, young girls save from $.64 to $1.34 weekly. Think about he proportion of savings and money spent and ask yourself---Am I among the savers? If so, am I saving what I should? by Sue Ann Moses **** C. H. S. band enjoyed a trip to Carthage Tuesday by being in a parade at 10:00 o'clock and afterwards the S.F.A. band gave a concert and then was served lunch.. After a very enjoyable morning, they returned home. ===================================== ACTIVITIES LA SERPIENTE ESPANOLA The Spanish I Club met Friday, November 22, in the classroom. The president called the meeting to order; minutes were read and business discussed. Martha Smith and Maurine Hunt directed a program on "The Famous Men of Latin America." Violet Dukes, Linda Wilson, Bonnie Lawson, Joe Foster and John Barton participated. Later a quiz was given over the stories that had been told. Refreshments of ice cream were served. LOA AMOGOS DE LA AMERICA LATINA Los Amigos de la America Latina, the second year Spanish Club sponsored by Miss Virginia Hanna, met Wednesday, November 27. Our club pins ere discussed, but as we are not yet affiliate with the state club, nothing definite was decided about them. Instead of a program, the meeting was turned over to Marilyn Sluder, our secretary, who read four plays from Austin to us. We plan to perform one of these near the end of school. Our next meeting will be held in the cafeteria. HOMEMAKING NEWS The last meeting of the Home Economics Club was held in the Clothing Laboratory on afternoon during sixth period. Yvonne Harris, our president, was in charge of the meeting. Our program was "Who are the Future Homemakers of American an what are their aims, purposes and functions?" Nancy Chadwick gave an interesting talk on the beginning an organization of the Future Homemakers. Mrs. Wooley discussed the Degrees of Achievement for which we can work as members of the F. H. A. Hazel Jeans described the recent trip to Overton to attend the area meeting. Plans were originated for our Christmas party in December; then the meeting was adjourned.
============================== MISS HEART THROB Dear Miss Heart Throb I am trying to decided what to get Joe Neal Samford for Christmas. He is such a dream, and always so very kind to me!!!! Such as, slapping me on the back, tripping me in the hall, and a million other cute little incidents. Please answer my letter and I will appreciate it immensely. Sincerely, Judy Flowers. Judging from his "friendly" slaps and trippings, I think the suitable gift (or gifts) for him would be a pair of boots and some gloves. If you like him, you must protect him---after all--- Yours truly Miss Heart Throb. Dear Miss Heart Throb Complications have arisen. I tried your advice on Troy Lynn Stewart; that is, falling in from of him, but he said, "Ye, gads, what a ghastly sight" and ran. What's a girl to do in a situation like this? Disappointedly yours, Prunella Pierce The only conclusion I have been able to find for your particular situation is for you to be careful how and where you fall. Sincerely, Miss Heart Throb. Girls, during the holiday season you will have time to glamorize yourselves and learn new tricks to get a man. We hope that Miss Heart Throb's advice has helped everyone and that you have enjoyed this column.
=============================== CAMPUS CHATTER Elors Oswalt saw her former dream man of Huxley anew during the Thanksgiving holidays. We all thought she was through with him. **** Bobby Stewart had learned that love is an ocean of emotion surrounded entirely by expenses. **** Helen Schilling is riding herself of that "can't complex" she contracted in Mr. Williams' plane geometry last year. **** Why does smoke get in Anna Faye's eyes when she hears "The Things We Did Last Summer??" **** Peggy "I Get Around" Neal withdrew a snapshot of herself and Johnny Allen to be put in the sweethearts' column. What's a matter? **** Janie Whitten has been searching for a tube of kissproof lipstick. **** Mary B. Jones has herself a spectacle with two glasses. **** If any possibility that the Asst. Man of Perry's wants to reconcile, please notify Margaret Smith. **** Tucker Holt as been wondering why boys can't see things her way. **** Frank Smith reverses the charges---the girl pays for the coffee. **** When purchasing a new backless gown the other day, Judy Flowers was told by the salesman, "you have to have the figure for it--physically and financially." Judy got the gown! **** Could it be possible that Betty Hataway and Ellis Wilburn, one of the cutest couples in school, are breaking up, or is it that Betty just doesn't want to go steady? **** Going to the "Cane Patch" at night is fun, until you are caught cutting and eating it on the front porch of James school. Ask Johnny Mack and Dorothy Fields. **** Do you think Violet Joy and Joe Davis make a cute couple. ====================================== THE LONG AND SHORT OF IT Drue Hogue asked a girl to marry him. She refused and to get even with her he married her mother. This made the girl his daughter. His father married the girl and this made her Drue's mother. Him marring the girl's mother, he married his own grandmother, so he must be his own grandfather. **** Kenneth Baucum was standing in from of Mr. Moffett's desk receiving a verbal lashing. "What's the mater with you; can't you behave yourself for just one week? You've been to my office at least 30 times this week for chewing gum, throwing spit balls, sassing the teachers, copying on test, and everything else. Well, what have you to say for yourself?" "Nobody's perfect, is one, Mr. Moffett?" Replied Kenneth. **** Mrs. Slaughter: Jaye Jean, What kind of noun is kiss?" Jaye Jean: "Common." Mrs. Slaughter: " Decline it." Jaye Jean: " I never do." **** Mrs. Menefee, the school teacher, was riding the city bus and kept starring at the man across the aisle from her. The man, noticing her, starred back at her and she said, "Oh! pardon me. I thought you were the father of one of my children." **** Playwright: "That coat looks like you slept in it last night." Critic: "I did. I wore it to your opening play last night." **** Kenneth Baucum: "Joann, I'm thirsty for your love. I'm starved for your kisses." Joann Howard: "What do you think I am? A cafeteria." **** I think that I shall never see-- a boy that quite appeals to me--A boy who doesn't wear--- A slap of grease upon his hair--A boy who wears his shirt tail in---And doesn't have that silly grin--But boys are loved by fools like me-- for who on earth would date a tree? **** A burglar who had entered Leon Sanders' house at midnight was interrupted when he awoke. Drawing his weapon, he said, "Don't move or I'll shoot. I'm looking for your money." "Let me strike a light." replied Leon, "and I'll help you." ===================================== |
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