VOLUME 1 - NUMBER 1 | OCTOBER 29, 1946 | |
"THE ROUND UP" IS ORGANIZED" On Friday, October 11, the Junior and Senior English Classes met in the auditorium and voted to organize and publish a newspaper. "The Round Up" was selected for its name. We want every student to enjoy this paper and feel free to make suggestions or contributions even though it was started with the idea of being an English III and an English IV project. We want to strive to give C H S some interesting as well as "live-wire news. "The Round Up" Staff will appreciate your cooperation and will be glad to bring any worthwhile news sent in to the Staff. =========================== Editors........................................Bobbye Mosby Marilyn Sluder Business Managers................ Betty Gunnels, Mary Jean Jetton Sports Editors...........................J. W. Adams, Billy Bruce Faulk Circulation Mgr.......................Alonzola Covington Typists........................................June Stolebarger Kathryn Glenn Art................................................Peggy Neal, Ann Harris Paper Rollers.............................Bobby Ross, Ray Jackson ============================== FOUR MAJOR CAUSES OF FIRES Seventy six percent of all fires start from four major causes. Thirty start from matches and careless smoking; twenty-four percent start from faulty stove, furnaces, chimneys and flues; twelve percent start from the misuse of gasoline and other inflammable fluids; and ten percent start from faulty wiring and electrical appliances. Note: There is more written to this article, but the information has become unreadable.
============================= HUNDREDS ATTEND FAIR The first Shelby County Fair since the beginning of the war got under way as the parade, led by the Center High School Band, came down the streets at one o'clock on October 15, 1946. Among the beautiful floats was one bearing a replica of the Center High School. For first prize on the floats, the Center Public Schools received a check for fifteen dollars. On the fair grounds the Center High School booth, sponsored by Mrs. Roy Woolley and her homemaking class, proved to be a great success. One thousand dollars was taken in by this department. A part of the profit will be used to buy an electric refrigerator and some china and crystal for the homemaking laboratory. The F.F.A. boys had on exhibit some of the livestock which they raised. They also played an important part around the fair grounds, taking up tickets at the shows and rides. for their work they were paid one hundred and fifty dollars, which they will use for a trip to the Houston Livestock show and for other things that might occur in the near future. The fair came to an end Saturday, October 19, after the Fair Association had given away the 1946 Ford car. Other business establishments gave away radios, refrigerators and other articles of use. Everyone returned home with plans for improving his crops and livestock and with thoughts of next years' fair. Miss Hester and Miss Taylor attended the rodeo at the State Prison in Huntsville, Sunday October 27th.
============================== ROUGHRIDER SCHEDULE OF GAMES BY J. W. Adams, Sports Editor The Roughriders have played four games this season. Gaston defeated us in the first game by a score 49 to 0, but the riders were not daunted by this defeat. They trimmed Arp 6 to 0 the following week. Next, they lost 13 to 0 to Joaquin, but the very next game they played they tied the score with the Timpson Bears. The riders have three more games scheduled for this season. Carthage, October 25, Jasper, November 8, and a game with San Augustine will end our football season. Our "B" string played the Timpson Bears "B" string in a scrimmage game last Wednesday afternoon and Center beat them 13 to 0. A game between the Future Farmers Football team and the Roughriders had to be canceled due to rain. Bertie (Kench) Koonce, our left half back was hurt in a car accident and is unable to play in the game with Carthage, but we all hope Kench will be able to play in the games with Jasper and San Augustine. ============================= JOKES Mr. Moffett fired five times at a burglar, but missed him every time. The professor needs to do some reviewing on triggernomertry. **** "Est you spinach, Tommy. Don't you know it puts firm white teeth in your mouth?' "Then Feed it to Grandpa!" **** Cop: Use you noodle, Lady. Use your Noodle. Miss Hester: Where is it? I've pushed and pulled every button on the dash board. **** Bill Barton, a Freshman receiving his first report card in Center High School, returned home and proudly said to his mother. "I received 100 in everything; 25 in English, 15 in Science, 30 in Algebra, 20 in History, and 10 in Deportment." **** Mrs. Slaughter received a check for services rendered and discovered that it was a penny short. A stickler for detail, she insisted that the difference be paid--and is due course received another check for a single penny. She presented it for payment at the bank. The teller examined it closely and then asked, "How would you like this, Madam? Heads or Tails?" **** Tub Schillings met Ben Adams in the hotel lobby. "From the looks of you," said Tub, "There might have been a famine." "and from the looks of you," said Ben, "You might have started it." **** Miss Taylor was asked
what she desired most in a husband, brain, wealth or appearances. She snapped
back: " Appearances, and the sooner the better." **** Mrs. Johnston: Jay Jean, a little bird told me you got help on this history assignment. Jay Jean: It must have been a stool pigeon. **** Mr. Eddins: Now boys, remember, two head are better than one. F.F.A. Class: Yeah. But wouldn't you look ridiculous? ============================== CLUB NEWS The Latine Pauci was organized the members of the Latin class of 1946. They chose this name as it was the name of last year's club and also seemed best suited for our club which has nine members. Tommy Moffett was chosen president and Nancy Chadwick made secretary. We chose for our motto "Excelsior." Every Friday a program is presented by members of the class. These program help us in our study of Latin, besides providing entertainment. Once a month we enjoy a social and have had two socials thus far. Our club is looking forward to a very enjoyable year and many interesting meetings. Each Week a program chairman is chosen who conducts very interesting programs. **** LOS AMIGOS DE LA AMERICA LATINA "Los Amigos de la America Latina" met in the school cafeteria Friday, October 11, 1946. The President, Margaret Ann Smith, called the meeting to order and the secretary, Marilyn Sluder read the minutes. Material on the State Spanish Club, The Pan American Forum was read and a vote was taken whether we would join this club. A quiz program was directed by Joyce Stewart and Ethel Marie Crocker, our program chairman for the week. Drinks and candy were served. The meeting was enjoyed by all.
============================= CAMPUS CHATTER What's this about Harley Burris riding the hobby horses with that tall, good looking, blonde Tuesday Night? **** It is rather hard to tell these days who is the most popular boy in Center High--Charles Pate or Franklin Barlow! **** So the Aaron Stephenson--Reba Beavers romance is still in full swing. However, from the look on Jaye Jean's face, we fear it won't last long. **** It seems that Betty Hattaway was the only gal that rated Friday Night. Gee Betty, what did you do to get to come back on the football boys' bus? No fair, Coach!!! **** Wonder what Kathryn Glenn sees in Tommy Fontaine beside a lust for knowledge? **** LOST: Some hair, Black; reward if returned intact. F. L. Moffett. **** It seems a certain blonde is keeping Kenneth Baucum "panicky" by being the holder of his snapshot. Surely you wouldn't deprive a girl from looking at your handsome face, Kenneth? **** For the future, Jean Carroll Richards has chosen to be a model housewife for a guy of her dreams, rather than a Power's model. **** Wonder why a certain little short, brown curly hair girl liked the Valley down Mexico way so well? |
Mrs. Slaughter and Mrs. Menefee are our sponsors and they, too, will be to consider for publication any news that is contributed. LET'S ALL SUPPORT THIS NEWSPAPER AND MAKE IT A SUCCESS!!! This is the month for the witches and spooks to appear, and many are looking forward to Halloween parties October 31.
=============================== THE ANNUAL STAFF On Friday, October 18, 1946, the Senior Class elected the editor of "The Roughrider,' the school annual for this year. It was decided that the editor Tommy Fontaine, should choose his staff. He chose the following: Assistant Editor....................Ben Adams Business Manager............... Ray Jackson Ass't Business Mgr. ...........Sue Ann Moses Art Editor............................... Peggy Neal Photo Editor............................Uva Dell Metcalf Organizing Editor.................Dollie Rogers Sponsor..................................Miss Eloise Hester =============================== FRIEND - FOE Night! we gather round the camp fire. All is quite and still; Our fire is our only protection against the darkness of the night. A cold wind blows upon us, We come closer to keep warm. We think only of the friendly fire Not how it could cause us harm. But if we wake at night, And a blazing fire is close by Fire is not a friend! It brings a wail and cry. If we had been cautious Before we went to sleep, There would have been no tragedy, No cause for us to weep. By Tommy Fontaine ================ The Center High School Band has enjoyed many trips this season - especially the booster trip made for advertising The Shelby County Fair. They have presented some enjoyable performances this fall. The Center High School Cafeteria is becoming famous for those luscious desserts - um - um. ==================== WHY??? Why does Elvin not burn his Bridges? Why did Tommye become a Duke? Why is Erris always Goings? Why is Judy so attached to Flowers? ================================ ROUGHRIDER SPIRIT BY Bruce Faulk, Ass't Sports Editor Although the Roughrider football squad may not be heavy in the line, or have so much weight in the backfield, they are rolling right along with the good material they do have. Their spirits are high and they are striding forward to win their three final football games. The riders have shown steady improvement since the opening of football season and promise to let their three final foes know that they will be in for a battle. With almost all this year's team members returning next year, the 1947 squad should be one of the best, if not the very best team in the Conference. The Riders are determined to show they are no pushovers and that they can give any team they play a run for their money. PEP SQUAD-BAND Let's recognize right now the excellent support the Pep Squad has given the Roughriders. They yell leaders have been most cooperative and loyal. The Center High School Band has been a strong factor in lending support. Many thanks Band, Pep Squad, Yell leaders and twirlers.
============================= JOKES Mr. Sam William's conversation with Dowell Youngblood. Mr. Sam: Why are you looking so fed-up? Dowell: I bought a book called "How to Make Love", and now I don't know what to. Mr. Sam: Why? Dowell: Well, it says you take the girl's had, look into eyes, and say "I love you, Myrt" Mr. Sam: What's wrong, Dowell? Dowell: My girl's name is Mavis! **** Billy McCollum, a country boy, had never ridden on a train. After he had picked cotton and saved one hundred dollars, he went to the depot and asked the ticket agent to sell him a round trip ticket as far as his money would buy. On the train there were several Methodist preachers returning from a conference. When Billy used some words he didn't learn in Sunday School a minister sat down beside him and said, "Young man, where are your going? Billy replied, " I don't know." The minister said, "I know. I'm afraid you are going to hill." Billy's quick reply was, " I don't care. I've got a round-trip ticket." **** Mrs. Stolebarger: "June, I will have to have a talk with you. When you went to school this morning you forgot to comb your hair; you forgot to wash your face; you forgot to take your books. How will I explain that to your teacher?" June: "Oh, that's o. k., Mom, I also forgot to go to school." The Perfect Boy
**** Bobby Smith: What is the date, Mrs. Menefee? Mrs. Menefee: Never mind that just finish you exam. Bobby Smith: I just wanted to have something right on my paper. ============================= CLUB NEWS The Shelby County F.F.A. Chapter met at 7:30 p. m. on Monday, October 21, 1946, in the Agriculture room of the Center High School. The purpose of the meeting was to raise Greenhands to the Chapter Farmer Degree. The Chapter was opened with Bobby Brawley, the County president presiding. After the Chapter was open, the Joaquin Degree team took charge and did the initiating. Twenty-five Greenhands were promoted at the ceremony. Everyone had a good time and our Local Chapter is looking forward to our next meeting, when we plan to initiate our Greenhands. **** FUTURE HOMEMAKERS OF AMERICA The Center Chapter, Future Homemakers , is affiliated with the Future Homemakers of America and the Future Homemakers of Texas. Our club is composed of approximately seventy-five members. The Future Homemakers of America have a motto: " Toward New Horizons," a list of well defined purposed, and a creed. Each Future Homemaker has the privilege of working for one of the Degrees of Achievement. It is an honor to receive one of these Degrees and is so regarded. Our theme for this year is "Building Today for Tomorrow." To do this, we have a six-point program of work. Improving ourselves, contributing to our homes, cooperating for school improvement, developing our organizations, serving our community, state and nation, and promoting recreational activities. Our club is a business and social organization. At present., plans are being made to establish a permanent Area Camp and Permanent State Camp for the Future Homemakers of Texas. Yvonne Harris is President of our local chapter, Bronnis Jacobs, Vice-President; Violet Joy Dukes, Secretary and Treasurer; Beula Faye Garner, Reporter and Parliamentarian, and Nancy Chadwick is Social Chairman. ============================== CAMPUS CHATTER Say! Why doesn't someone tip off the one twirler who doesn't already have peroxided hair and get her to glorify her hair, also. If we can get this done we'll have the entire twirlers' section one big, happy, peroxided family---all five of them. **** Looks as if Mary Louise and Charles comprise a regular twosome these days. Nice couple, eh? **** J. W. Adams and Bonnie Lawson have been seen together--- both wearing a "love-smittin" look!!!! **** So Violet and Louis have broken up again! They say its for keeps this time. **** What's this new song entitled, "Hataway's a Stowaway?" **** Seems as if Dollie Sue's heart went "thump thump" on seeing a handsome boy from San Augustine in one of the downtown cafes. **** AMONG THE PINES Among the pines of East Texas I grew to be 15. As real a Texas toughie as ever you have seen. I roped the stars and wanted the moon; I climbed the trees like a real baboon. I'm fat at shoveling out the food, and I really can shoot when I'm in the mood.. Oh, Yes, I'm tough you'll hear them say; for I grew with the pines out East Texas Robbie Hudson.
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