Shelby County Confederate Veteran Reunion - 1923
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The Confederate veterans held an annual reunion April, 1923 at Center. The identity of all are not known. Dr. Fambro is seated at the head of the table on the left and W. P. Wilson is at the head of the table on the right. Miss Trudie Nicholson and Mrs. Emmett Armstrong are among the women in back.
As long as there were as many ad five veterans still living, they met at Center to answer the roll call. In 1923 only 34 soldiers were present at the reunion and 13 members reported as having died since the last meeting.
The meeting was held in the showroom of the Smith Ford Motor Company located on the south side of the Center Square. The banquet lunch was provided by the women of Center First Methodist Church, who are shown standing at the back of the tables. Music was provided by the Oz Metz Band and Judge J. M. Sanders delivered the address. The Glee Club of Center sang and N. O. Thomas, Jr. of Center delivered an oration.
The group of veterans elected officers for the coming year, naming J. J. Beckman as Captain. Others elected were W. S. Goodson, First Lieutenant, W. F. Pou, Second Lieutenant, J. F. Willis, Adjutant and Treasurer, A. R. Fox; quartermaster, Dr. Spivey, Chaplain, Dr. F. M. Fambro, Surgeon and S. J. Thomas, Flag Bearer. Mrs. Lillie Stubbs was elected sponsor of the reunion for the next year. J. A. Pickard of Paxton, Age 91 was the oldest veteran attending and Buck Pearce and L. G. Watson, ages 75 tied for youngest. Of those present 14 were 80 years of age and older.
Secretary Willis had the veterans answer roll call by giving their age and the regiment in which they served in the War.
Alford J. M | Ballard, B. M. |
Boozer, J. C. | Cammack, J. M. |
Davidson, P. C. | Duke, W. W. |
Parrish, T. H. | Parker, W. F. |
Risinger, L. M. | Rhame, A. J. |
Truitt, J. W. | Webb, D. B. |
1923 Attendees |
Veteran | Age | Regiment |
Bridges, B. F. | 77 | 33rd Alabama |
Beckman, J. J. | 84 | 27th Georgia |
Chapman, J. C. | 86 | 34TH Alabama |
Cooper, R. A. | 84 | 4th Alabama |
Davis, J. T. | 80 | 37th Mississippi |
Ellington, W. D. | 77 | Hop's |
Edwards, J. R. | 88 | 11th Mississippi |
Fincher, A. M. | 76 | 63rd Alabama |
Goodman, M. S. | 82 | 2nd Louisiana |
Greer, J. W. | 82 | Visitor from Rockwell. |
Jones, W. E. | 86 | 11th Texas |
Mayes, J. A. | 83 | 19th Louisiana |
McKenzie | 82 | 11th Texas |
Martindale, O. P. | 80 | 28th Texas |
McKee, Josiah | 79 | Texas Brigade |
O'Banion, Jessie | 80 | 45th Alabama |
Parrish, L. | 79 | Reed's Brigdate |
Pearce, W. J. | 75 | 17th Louisiana |
Pou, W. T. | 78 | 28th Texas |
Pickard, J. A. | 91 | 14th Tennessee |
Rogers, Y. W. | 79 | 27th Louisiana |
Swinebroad | 86 | 1st Tennessee |
Seago, H. M. | 78 | 26th Mississippi |
Thomas, J. A. | 85 | 17th Texas |
Thomas, S. J. | 80 | 5th Texas |
Thrasher, N. T. | 82 | 28th Louisiana |
Walker, W. F. | 81 | 2nd South Carolina |
Warren, J. C. | 79 | 23rd Alabama |
Watson, L. G. | 75 | 8th Alabama |
Wheeler, L. | 79 | Pound's Regulars |
Willis, J. F. | 77 | Duke's Battalion Virginia |
Wilkins, C. C. | 81 | 2nd Alabama |
Wilson, J. P. | 76 | Texas Militia |